Part 7

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- Mika -

I sighed and sat on the ground. Deidara sat next to me and moved his arm so I could scoot closer. They were all nice to me and saw me as a young powerful sister. All of them protected me in their own way. I smiled and pointed at his hand. He looked and frowned. Frustration passed over him and I tapped his shoulder. He looked at me, his blonde hair blocking the view of the his other eye. I extracted a thing of sand and mixed it with small pieces of shell. Holding it to Deidara, I showed him my creation.

"With this, your hand will be occupied with trying to chew through it." I smiled brightly. "With the distraction, you could hug me."

"You're brilliant!" He held out his hand. "Give it to me."

I looked at his face and placed the ball in his hand. Instantly, the mouth started to chew through it. Deidara side hugged me and let go quickly as the sand fell from his hand.

"I think all of us know she's brilliant."

I looked over my shoulder at Sasori. Smiling, I jumped up and hugged him.

"You're back," I said excitedly.

Deidara stood up and walked away. Sasori hugged me back. Sasori was a puppet ninja.

"You ready for your lessons," he asked.

My eyes widened. "The sand clone?!"

He smiled and took out the ties in my pig tails. "If you can mimic ninja fighting styles, why can't you use a sand clone as a puppet?"

My hair fell around me like red satin curtain. "Let's go!"

- Gaara of the Sand -

I sat in my house, frustrated beyond belief. She was getting stronger! But how?! I searched her room for clues and found a journal. Flipping through the pages, I saw nothing but Akatsuki drawings. So that's where her strength lies! The Akatsuki are teaching her fighting methods! I slammed the book shut and stormed out.

- Mika -

"Focus all your energy to your very being!"

I did as he instructed and felt a fire burning through my feet. Looking down, I saw a sand shadow stretching to my side. At my side stood a sand clone of me that looked perfectly like me. I smiled and lifted a hand. She moved like I moved!

Sasori laughed. "Now make her move without you moving!"

I focused a bit harder and watched my clone walk forwards.

"Now, this is where your other sessions with the other members come in!"

I listened very closely and did as he instructed.

- Gaara of the Sand -

I was walking through a field when I saw Mika looking at a flower. Her head moved as she looked at me.

"Hello," she said. "I believe this is where we fight."

I knew that it was risky, but I took out the cork. Mika's eyes widened and a smile crossed her lips. Then I noticed her hair was down. I moved the sand towards her but she just blocks it.

"Ow," she mouthed.

Before I knew what hit me, sand pillars flew out of the ground, but Mika never moved. Strange. I threw a jet at her, hitting her shoulder. A gaping hole was left with sand dripping down her shoulder. She rolled her neck to look at the hole before looking at me with empty eyes.

"That hurt," she whispered.

The hole closed back up. My eyes widened. What is happening?! Mika moved like lightning, slamming the heel of her hand underneath my chin. Before I could hit the ground, sand wrapped around my wrists and ankles, slamming me onto the ground. Mika leaned over me.

"Guess it wasn't time, Brother," she said, her red hair moving in the wind. "I'm just stronger than you. A lot stronger. Maybe one day we can have an equal fight."

I struggled to reach her but she vanished. Looking over to my right, I saw the entire Akatsuki clan surrounding Mika.

"One day," she whispered.

The clan walked into the woods and the sand holding me down fell to the ground. Jumping up, I looked around for them, but they were gone.

- Mika -

We walked into our hide out and I sensed a disturbance around Pein. He ordered that we were to disappear until Mika had gained more strength. For Pein knew the strength that rested in Gaara, but that it was I, Mika, that was bringing it out. So we went into hiding. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

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