Part 10

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- Sakura -

I didn't know what to expect of the outcome of this battle. My team (me as healer) stood in the far end of the field, waiting for the arrival of the Akatsuki. What I didn't expect is that Sasuke had gone traitor to his team.

I watched in tense preparation for the team to come out of the forest line ... but it was someone else entirely. Sasuke stumbled into view, his blood falling to the grass, staining it red. My green eyes widened. He looked up at me and lifted a hand, reaching for me.


His voice was barely a whisper, but it carried across the field like wind. Not thinking, I ran to him, catching him before he fell. He looked at me and smiled.

"You were always a fool," he said, his normal strength returning.


I looked around in pure shock. Perfectly identical Mika sand clones slowly crept out of the ground. There were at least 10 of them. I heard Naruto yelling my name as he came rushing towards me. Sasuke moved, holding me against his chest, a kunai knife against my throat. The Mika clones surrounded us.

"Do you really think you can save her, Nine Tailed Fox," they said in unison. "One flick of the wrist and her blood will stain the ground red."

The rest of the Akatsuki clan appeared. Kakashi stared in horror.

- Kakashi -

It was a trap. A genius one indeed. With Sakura hostage, and the Nine Tailed Fox distracted ... wait! Where was the real Mika?! From a few steps behind me, I heard Iruka cry out. I spun around. The jet of sand that had pierced his heart left him and returned to its master. I watched as Iruka hit the ground, dead as dust. Mika looked at me and smiled.

"Kakashi, did you really think this plan would work," she said, bored amusement in her voice. "Have you not noticed? Pein is nowhere to be seen. That's because he gave me power over the Akatsuki." She chuckled, very amused at my facial expression. "That's right. I am the new leader!"

She lifted her hand, sand flying towards me. I dodged it quickly. More jets of sand came flying towards me. I slid on my feet, several yards away from her. She smiled. I looked up. Sand spiraled around each jet, making one huge death spiral. I jumped back just in time. Damn she was fast. I wouldn't expect less from the twin of Gaara. I threw a shuriken, slicing open her cheek. She was momentarily shocked, but I didn't get another chance because Itachi was suddenly standing in front of her.

- Mika -

My eyes widened. "Itachi..."

"Mika, you are on my team. Hidan and Kakuzu only see you as a power source. Kisame and I see you for what you are: a powerful ninja that has more strength than all of us combined. I see you as the beautiful Mika of the Sand. We are a team!"

I looked at Kisame. "I..."

He looked at me and smiled. I nodded. Raising my hands, I focused the sand to Kakashi, creating a boa constrictor grip around his body. He looked at me, shocked and confused.

"Goodbye," I said.

Suddenly, something grabbed my ankle. It lifted me off the ground and then slammed me down. I looked up at my brother. Standing up, I thrust my hands towards him, creating a tidal wave of sand. He easily dodged it with a hard barrier wall. I tore apart his barrier and slammed him down, suffocating him with sand. Sand rushed out of the ground, wrapping around him and pinning him down.

"You shouldn't have come," I yelled. "This is a useless fight! Don't you already know I can manipulate your sand as well?!" I looked Kakashi. "As for you, I'll let you by with an  injured arm. Take it as a warning. Pein has given me complete control of the Akatsuki."

I crushed his arm, blood seeping through the sand particles. The sand around him fell to the ground. I watched in satisfaction as he gathered the others, even Sakura from Sasuke, and quickly left. Walking over to Gaara, I squatted down in front of him.

"You see, Brother, when we were little, you had the chance to show the people that you had the same gift as me, but you chose to hide and cower in fear. None of this would be happening if you had chosen to protect your baby sister."

I release the sand and stand up. Walking away, I went to Itachi.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

He moved my hair from my face, his Sharingan eyes staring at me. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and held me to him. My eyes widened. I didn't deserve this. "I see you as the beautiful Mika of the Sand."  It took him a full 15 minutes to let go of me. After that, we returned to the lair. I already knew that Kakashi wouldn't listen to my warning.

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