1 - Start and Stumbles

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It was about six in the evening when the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station. The familiar sight of the Hogsmeade ticket booth passing my window as the wheels of the train screeched to a stop. I quickly collected my personal effects into my school bag before making my way to the open train doors.

I arrived in the Highlands to find that the skies had opened up overhead, releasing a torrent of rain and I had come to realize I'd forgot my umbrella. At least I knew the Hot-Air-Charm for later, though that didn't lessen my displeasure at having to get drenched in the first place.

I took a few seconds to lift the hood of my school robes over my head, steeling myself to brave the weather. As I stepping down onto the station platform the shelter of a black and green school umbrella protected me from the downpour. When I looked up to see who was holding said umbrella the familiar smirking face of Sebastian Sallow shone down at me.

"Now honestly, I'd have thought you'd be more prepared than this." He teased. "Trust you to keep a Wiggenweld Potion handy, but not an umbrella."

"That's rich coming from you, seeing as that's my umbrella you're holding." Ominis chided from behind him as he an Anne shared hers. 

"Hello you!" Anne said happily stepping forward, ignoring the boys banter while taking my messenger bag from me. Without a second glance she thrust the bag into Sebastian's arms and pulled me into an tight hug. 

"What are you all doing here?" I asked shocked by their unexpected appearance. None of them had a need to be here, with the three of them living close enough to the school to simply fly over.

"We came to pick you up. Being our last year and all, we figured we might as well make the most out of our time." Anne said as she tucked herself back under the umbrella with Ominis, linking arms with him. "Shall we go to the carriages?"

"Shall we Madam?" Sebastian joked as he exaggeratedly offered out his arm out for me to link up with him too.

"Indubitably good sir." I joked back with an overly deep curtsey before taking his arm. As we made our way up the dirt path leading to the thestral carriages I could hear Mr. Moon calling for the first years. 

Our last year. It felt odd to think of it that way, but I suppose it was. It made me wish that my magic ability hadn't remained dormant for so long. Although I had managed to catch up with school, I had missed four years of knowing my friends. Four years of adventure, stories, and inside jokes. No amount of extra assignments could give me that.

"You don't have to carry my bag by the way. I don't mind holding it." I offered as I reached a hand towards the strap resting on his right shoulder, but he shifted away protecting the bag from me.

"And miss the fine opportunity to rifle through your things? I don't think so." Sebastian squeezed my arm pulling me a bit closer, helping me to dodge a rather large puddle as we walked. Though once around the puddle, he didn't seem to loosen his grip and part of me hopped that he did it to keep me closer.

I had harbored feelings for Sebastian Sallow ever since our fifth year. I was originally intrigued by the boy reading a rather large book in our common room. Being the first day of term, there was no way it was for any sort of school assignments, and I'll admit I was curious about him from that moment on.

It was later in our first Defence Against the Dark Arts class that I felt the first flutter my heart would ever beat for him. I promptly handed him his ass in the duel that followed, but I think that was also the day I handed him my heart. 

We went through a lot that first year, and neither of us handled things in the best of ways. He went down a dark path that year in his desperate search for a cure for Anne. I suppose part of me felt responsible for at least some of it. I didn't exactly stop him, but through his anger and dark choices I couldn't help but see the scared, lonely, broken boy behind those choices. I could see the person he was under all the pain he held that year. So I couldn't help but come when he called for me.

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