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Ground rules? what sort of grounds rules and why would she need any ground rules...

Ariel and Susannas expressions were clearly a little uncomfortably and I only wanna escape the awkwardness in the table. "He did....he said you have to work and help around the house or else you wont get allowances."

Ariel scoffs once more. "Of course he did..." and trails off. "Well where am I suppose to work anyway?"

I know I probably shouldn't have but I said it anyways. "You can work at my office." Ariel looks back over at me, almost like she's surprised im still sitting here. "Oh um well... what am I suppose to do?"

Susannas eyes glint and she smiles at the offer I made. "Yeah, that would be perfect babe!" instead of answering her, my eyes wander back over at the much softer eyes that were only round and clearly shes nervous. "Don't worry ill find you something to do." I reassure her.

The reassured response makes the girl smile instantly. "Thank you..." she trails letting me answer how she should call me. "Dario, you are allowed to call me that Ariel."

"Dario then, thank you." her soft voice quietly mumbles and for a second, it was just me and her. "Of course, Ariel."

Was it a smart idea? probably not considering the such things I was already thinking of when i'm around her, I can't have her with me 24/7 in my office.

She'll drive me mad, id only corrupt her.

"Yay! see were starting somewhere." Susannas voice heightens with a little excitement, bringing me back to reality.

Ariels smile wasn't so sincere, in-fact it looked force, like shes dying from the inside but my question lingers, what exactly was she here for? it clearly wasn't to bond with her mom.


Ariel and her mom spoke for another two more hours thats until Ariel yawned first and excused herself, walking back upstairs and into her room.

After coming out the shower, Susanna was already in bed, reading one of her books and thats when I take the opportunity to ask now that we're alone. "Amore." her eyes look up from the book and to me. "Yes babe?"

As I unwrap the towel around my lower half, I walk over to my drawer and pull out boxers first. "You know I have no problem with Ariel being her...but to me it didn't look like she wanted to be here much?"

She sighs heavily and sits the book down on the bedsheets. "Her dad told me she dropped out of college behind his back and the maids apparently found some pot in her room."

The response only makes me choke quietly as I hold back my laugher, since I don't wanna piss Susanna off and argue, so I hum back instead. "Her response earlier makes much more sense now."

Something like that.

"Apparently her friends are also in response of her behavior, so he said it might be better if she came to stay with me." she shrugs.

Another hums leaves my throat. "She probably wasn't so happy with that response then huh."

She huffs, "Tell me about it, she apparently threw a tantrum can you believe that? Enrique practically forced her upon me I couldn't even say no." she sits upright and sighs once more while massaging her temples. "I'm not gonna deal with her bratty attitude Dario." she adds on.

Sliding my sweatpants on, I walk back over the bed and lean forward pressing a kiss on her cheek, then her lips. "And you won't have too."

She smiles lazily and falls back down on the bed, rolling over on her side. "Goodnight baby." she mumbles as I turn off her side of the lamp off and walk over to my side. "Goodnight Amore."

I lay in bed, wide awake only thinking about one curious doe eye girl who already seems to have a vice grip on me and although my conscious is telling me to stay away...

I'm fascinated.


I decided to write this chapter in Darios POV what did y'all think of it? i might only have just a few in his pov but specifically i wanted y'all too see it during the hallway scene and in the way he described her hehe

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I decided to write this chapter in Darios POV what did y'all think of it?
i might only have just a few in his pov but specifically i wanted y'all too see it during the hallway scene and in the way he described her hehe.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 |𝟏𝟖+ ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora