Chapter 2 - Where am I

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*****Chapter 2*****

Lino woke up wishing to remove his head on his body as it hurts so bad.

"How come my head is so heavy when i didn't even drink alcohol last night." While massaging his head trying to soothe the pain of his head and eyes.

He tried to open his eyes and get up to find the medicine when someone stop him. "Don't get up, your legs is still not ok." That voice is somehow familiar.

The mysterious man try to help him go back on his bed and lying him properly.

He try to open his eyes and look who is that person. Who is this? Why I feel pain all over my body? What just happen?

Lino try to mask his emotion and stayed his calm face even he is panicking inside.

'What the heck I'm doing in a hospital!' Now, he realize that he was in a hospital. He have some wounds in his face and arms. And he couldn't also move his feet.

He look at the one who stop him. A Nurse?

"Excuse me, where am I? What I am doing
here?" He asked to the nurse.

"Goodmorning Mr. Lee, You had an accident yesterday afternoon. Mr. Han is the one who brought you here. Just wait for Dr. Kim, he will be back later to check you. He says that he's the one who will explain you everything. Since you're his friend, right?" He said while trying to check his vital signs.

Mr. Han? As in Han Jisung? But who is Dr. Kim? I don't have a friend who is a doctor. Only Kim I know is Kim Seungmin. But Seungmin? A doctor? Impossible.

"Good morning, Dr.Kim. The patient is already awake." Lino was now curious of this Dr. Kim.

He can't still see his face as the back of the nurse hiding the face of this mysterious Doctor.

Common! Let me see your face. Who are you!!
Lino staring intently to them.

"How are you, Lino hyung (*older brother)? I'm so worried when someone call me that you got into accident" when Lino see the face of the doctor. He was so shock!!

What the heck is happening. How come KIM SEUNGMIN is in WHITE LAB AND HAVE STETHOSCOPE around his neck!

Lino is freaking out and so confused on what is happening. This is not the Seungmin he know.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Saying by worried Seungmin and hold his hand then he KISS it. HE KISS HIS HAND. KIM SEUNGMIN IS KISSING HIS HAND! WTF!

Lino try to calm his nerves and taking a deep breath. That's it Lino just calm down. Yes, don't let this Seungmin freak you out . Maybe this is a prank "I think I'm feeling okay." he calmly said.

"Are you sure? Wait let me check you again"

"Are you for real? You're not pranking right?" he silently ask.

"What prank? Do you remember what happened before you got into acccident? Jisung said that night that you and him were planning to see each other. He was waiting you in the Resto Street near the stoplight. He saw that you're already crossing the street, when you suddenly stop in the middle while holding your head. Before he could got you, a car hit you." He said while caressing his hand.

Seungmin brought Lino's hand near his face and kiss it again. Okay this is getting awkward the Seungmin I know is not like this. "Jisung called me that something happen to you. I'm so worried. I thought you will leave me again." He said while trying to stop himself to cry in front of Lino.

Leave again? Do I leave him before. But for real what is happening. "I'm not gonna leave you okay" while awkwardly patting Seungmin's head.

"Promise? You will not leave me?" Seungmin ask again while his eyes is like he was begging him.

Lino just nod to Seungmin and observing Seungmin's action. Obviously, this is not really a prank? Seungmin looks genuinely concerned to him. And he was a real doctor.

But how? We are in a group. We are idols. Why he suddenly become a doctor. Am I dreaming???

*knock knock knock* "Excuse me, Doctor Kim. Dra. Jung was calling you. She mentioned that the result of diagnostic test of Mr. Lee is out." Nurse said.

"Okay, I will be there for a minute."

"Lino hyung, I will back here later to eat with you. Rest well and if there's a problem call me. Bye! I love you." Then Seungmin kissed his hands again. And his forehead! He kissed his forehead.

Lino's eyes is almost out to its eyesocket because of shock.

Lino was just staring the door for a how minute and trying to absorb on what just happen.

No other members aside to Han and Seungmin? What in the world am I. 'WHERE AM I!'

*****End of Chapter 2*****

Thank you for those who read this story. Hope you are happy right now or tryin to be ok. So proud of you. There's some errors I know. I will try to edit it if I have time. Thank you again.


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