Chapter 1 - Fanmeeting

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*****Chapter 1*****

This whole fanmeeting is like a wedding interview about 2min and not the group fanmeeting.

  How could Lino say? Well...

What you will you choose, 5 Seungmin or 5 years old Seungmin?

Lino, are you remarried to Seungmin?

When do 2min will have a duet?

Do you hear that Seungmin choose you as his skz bias?


For the past hour, all could Lino hear is the word 'Kim Seungmin'. Seungmin there and Seungmin this.

It's no different to Seungmin, whose also beside of Lino.

It means whatever shit Seungmin says, Lino could hear it. Same with Lino, Seungmin could hear it clearly all Lino's answers.

How awkward could it be when someone asking you about someone, who is also beside you.

Well, not Lino.
Lino's 'witty answers' who meant to tease the younger one and dodge all the questions makes fan squeal more.

I think Seungminnie will also haunt me in my sleep today.

"Stays, Lino hyung is teasing me again. Please punish him for me!" Seungmin says while keep pointing to Lino who is laughing beside him.

Fans just ignored Seungmin's suffering, and just laugh about their bickering. For them, it's  2min so it's normal.

      'NEXT!' Female staff said while guiding the new row of their fan to be align in front of the members.

While waiting for stays/fans, Han got up from his seat to go to the seats of Seungmin and Lino.

"You're both popular today ah! Even I was 2 seats away from the both of you. I can hear the word DIVORCE or REMARRIED." Han says while putting his arms around Seungmin and Lino. Trying to lessen the space between them.

"What are you doing here, Jisung-ssi. Are you bored in your life?"  Lino with his typical 'wtf' look noticing what is Han trying to do.

     Han ignored what Lino says and still continuing his mission  to [Make Lino and Seungmin reconcile and be back what they are before]
He was doing this as he want them to be back close like they are before.

He notice that the two began to build a wall between them as they start acting as a divorce couple. Not only him notice that but also the other members.

But before doing his mission.

Let me tease this grumpy cat here!

Shall we start the drama? 

Han wink to the other members. When he noticed that they stop communicating to their fans.

Well, Let's begin!!  Actor Han Jisung in the building!  Let's go!

"So are you back with him Lino-ssi? Are you gonna break up with me?" While dramatically putting his hand to his heart. "Well, let's break up. How I could push myself on someone WHO HAVE A LOVER" then he walk out. He make sure that his voice was loud. And fans could hear him.

Tsundare Lino in the Fanfic World - 2min ffWhere stories live. Discover now