I knew I had to get my anger up and then I could burn them enough for us to escape.

I started to throw more punches building up my anger when they all attacked me at the same time causing me to fall to the ground on my knees. "Shit" I called out

Then the dad grabbed my throat, choking me then threw me against the wall as I fell unconscious.

How was this "normal" looking family so powerful with their punches, did they have super strength or something, I thought.

After what felt like hours I started to get conscious again, "Hank, Ember, Dawn" I heard Dick call out

I looked over slightly to see Dick running to the edge of the roof "Dawn" he called out then ran down the stairs

I didn't have the strength to get up so I wait until I could slightly see Dick running towards me.

"Ember" he called out, "Are you okay?"

"Never better." I sarcastically said as he helped me up. "Where is Dawn and Hank and Rachel."

"Hank went to help Dawn and is bringing her to a hospital and we don't know where Rachel is."

"This is all my fault if I had used my powers sooner we could have saved Rachel and now we have two people to worry about instead of one."

"Hey look at me this isn't your fault okay." Dick assured me. I wasn't as weak as I was. I would have given him a hug but I just gave him a slight smile.

I wasn't happy though. The one job I have was to take care of Rachel and now she was taken, and Dawn was in the hospital. The second I find this family I will burn them to the ground, for all the pain they caused everyone in just a few minutes. And what they could be causing to Rachel.

I let the doctors clean my cuts but I didn't let them fully examine me just in case they knew who I was and found out I had powers.

I hated hospitals. I have never been in one since the accident but I knew this time I had to see dawn and I am sure Dick wanted me to get checked out.

I hated doctors, especially because they couldn't save my parents. I knew they tried their best but there's that part of me that just blames everything I can for their death even if it wasn't anyone's fault.

I could tell Dick saw how anxious I was walking around considering he never left my side. I got anxious around needles, doctors, fire anything to do with the accident.

When the doctors told me about my parents death, they said I went crazy and started to scream, cry and throw things around so much they had to stick a giant needle into me to calm me down. I was sort of grateful for it since it did make me forget most of what happened except for the parts of what the doctors told me.

We walked over to the hallway in front of Dawn's room. Both me and Dick stared at Dawn laying on the bed with Hank by her side.

I think Hank saw us staring since he walked over to us. "Hank, I'm sorry. If I hadn't.." Dick started to say.

"Who are they? What the hell do they want with Rachel?" Hank interrupted "I don't know" Dick answered.

I felt bad for Hank and Dawn. They were dragged into this hell hole of a mess that has nothing to do with them and now Dawn was suffering the consequences.

"You take care of her. I will find them." Dick said. Hank then left the hallway into the room. Just I was about to ask Dick where we are going next his phone rang.

"Grayson" Dick said in an angry tone catching me by surprise, "Sorry caught me by surprise." I wonder who he was talking to but whatever it was it seemed important. "Yeah something like that. What's up?"

Dick started to walk away, probably ignoring the fact I was with him. "Hey" I whispered as I followed him. "About Rachel?" Dick asked the person on the phone. "What are you talking about?" I asked Dick, he then proceeded to shush me

"Rude" I said as I continued to follow him. I stared at all the equipment and people in the hospital, giving back terrible memories. I just want to get out of her, whoever Dick is on the call about he better hurry.

"I'm on my way" Dick said as he did he started to get this weird look on his face that said everything was getting worse. He ended the call and looked over at me with a more worried face.

"Hey, you okay?" Dick asked me. "Yeah why." I said as I could feel my breathing starting to get faster and faster.

"You look like you're having a panic attack, let's get out of here." I smiled at, thank god I was leaving this horrible place.

As we walked over to the car Dick put his hands on my shoulder trying to calm me down. "Hey, look we are out of there okay, no need to worry."

After a minute or two we got in the car. "Thank you" I said to him as he started the car. "No problem, you want to talk about it."

"Not really, I mean it's a hospital filled with needles and people dying. I think you might put the pieces together on that one detective." I said with sarcastic tone

"Anyways I want to know what you were talking about with the person on the phone." I asked him trying to change the subject

"Yea umm so a lady came to Rachel's house and assaulted a lot of officers. And they think she left with Rachel." Dick answered

"Oh wow okay, so where are we going now." I asked, "To a gas station where they were last seen.

After a few seconds of silence, Dick broke it, I just wanted to get some sleep after the day I have had.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you to mention something about powers. Do you have powers?"

Here we go, now I have to explain the story. "Yes, it's complicated."

"Look I know it's hard to trust people these days but I won't tell anyone I have many secrets myself and we both know a girl with crazy dark powers."

To be honest I don't trust a lot of people but at this point there is no point in hiding it, people will find out one way or another.

"Okay, here's the story, there is none. One day I just got so pissed off about this new family I had to live with, I ran to the bathroom trying to hide from everyone and when I looked in the mirror my eyes were bright red and next thing you know the trash can was on fire." Dick just stared at me with confusion but interest in wanting more of the story

"No one knows about it, I used to train in an alleyway so no one could see me. I was more so training for myself so then the next time I get angry I won't lose control as bad"

Dick just looked at me in awe. "Wow, umm was not expecting that, do you think it is from your house fire?"

"I don't want to but I think it is, it explains why I was perfectly fine during the fire. It was all over. There was no way of surviving it without having powers like that."

I looked down at my lap. That was the first time I have ever told anyone about my powers let alone where I got them from.

"I'm sorry btw, I know it was hard enough walking into the hospital and I am asking you millions of questions." Dick said with a sorry tone

"It's fine, it felt kind of nice telling someone about this. I have been on my own for years, it's hard to make friends when you move around a lot. Plus telling kids who already think of you weirdly because you survived an in-survival fire that you have powers you can't control yet. So I just kept it a secret before they had a real reason to think of me as a monster." I said with a fake smile on my face

"You are not a monster, you and Rachel have a lot in common. You both have these powers you can really control and when one bad thing happens you think of yourselves as monsters." Dick was right, me and Rachel are similar in the ways most people wouldn't understand.

After that I think I fell asleep since when I woke up we were at a gas station.

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