"Hank" Dawn said, moving the tension towards Rachel and I. I gave a small wave, showing a fake smile.

Why did I do that? I thought, seriously Ember, how dumb are you.

"What the fuck." Hank said, "Can we just go back inside, please." Dawn said, leading the way into the apartment.

Dawn took both me and Rachel to the spare room we would be sharing. "Hey you two okay, and sorry about that, you were a surprise." Dawn asked

Rachel stayed silent nodding her head. "Yea we are fine and sorry for just invading." I responded in a sad tone. I felt bad these people, they seemed really nice and now they have three more guests staying in there small apartment and one of the guests they obviously didn't like that much.

"You're fine, okay, now get some rest." Dawn said leaving the room.

Dick then later came into the room, helping us make our bed.

"So you and Dawn?" Rachel asked, I laughed to myself knowing whatever he was going to say Rachel already knew the answer

"No" Dick answer in a harsh tone. "You realize it is impossible to lie to me, right?" Rachel joked.

"We were kids, Goodnight both of you." Dick said about to leave the room when he was stopped by Rachel, "Why did you hurt her?"

"I didn't mean to." responded Dick. "That not an excuse" I said bringing myself into the conversation

"Yeah, well it's all in the past." Dick said looking at the both of us, "Not for her." Rachel added

"Get some rest" Dick said annoyed with the fact that we were both right.

After a short bit Rachel asked, "Do you really promise to not leave me alone."

"Yes, I promise now who knows with Dick but he also seems to promise too, okay and Dawn was right we need some rest." I reassured her.

No matter what is going to happen and who is going to lead the way. I was going to stick by Rachel, plus I have nowhere else to go.

The next morning, we had breakfast as Dawn told us she was taking us out shopping.

"I know why she's here, why are you here?" Dawn asked me as I was getting ready to leave. "Well I think we both know Dick can't handle her, and she needs me more than she thinks, plus I have nowhere else to go anyways."

"Ok, finish up so then we can leave" Dawn said as she left.

Was I really here for Rachel or was it another reason? Did I just want to leave Detroit and try to leave my past behind too. To be honest I think that's the other reason for me leaving my hometown. Yes for Rachel but to also start a new life where I wasn't some homeless teenager who lost both of her parents.

After our fun day shopping we landed back at the apartment.

"Like the second-to-last one" Dawn said continuing our conversation from before. "Yeah" Rachel and I both responded

"I mean, I've seen it, you're both going to love it." Dawn added, "Yeah?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah" Dawn responded, "You both should watch it right now. And take off your shoes."

"Yay" I screamed while walking from the front door to take my shoes off, "Okay" Rachel said while following close behind me.

"Holy Shit, Dragons!" I screamed from the living room, "This show just got so much better." Rachel added

After a bit Hank came barging in the door. This grabbed my attention and I guess Rachel's too as she followed me into the kitchen.

As we walked into the kitchen Dick and Hank started to fight.

"Stop" both me and Rachel yelled. My eyes started to turn red the angrier I got and I knew if I didn't calm down or they didn't stop this place would burn down.

Over the years I have learned to sort of control my powers. But when it came to emotions, especially anger I could control it when it got too much.

Rachel on the other hand didn't calm down a little as she continued to scream causing the glass to shatter around us.

Rachel ran to the bedroom apologizing for something I knew she could control. I started to follow her as I stared back as Dick, with lots of anger. She was now going to blame herself for this even though Hank and Dick caused her anger in the first place.

I guess my eyes were still red since Dick just stared at me with confusion wondering how a "normal" kid's eyes were red like fire.

When I walked into the room I saw Rachel sitting on the bed crying. "Hey, look whatever happened in there wasn't your fault okay. You can't control that, trust me I know how it feels to not be in control."

Rachel stared back at me with a sad look on her face. I walked over to her giving her a hug and just staying quiet until Dick came in.

"I'm sorry, it's getting worse." Rachel said as I let go from our hug. I sat next to her. "You don't have anything to be sorry about. I'm the one who should.." Dick responded but got interrupted when Dawn knocked on the door.

"How are you doing, sweetheart? Hank is sorry. He can be an asshole, sometimes. We gotta go. Hank and I have this thing."

"Dawn, I really think you should reconsider. Okay? We both know it's too dangerous." Dick said worryingly

"You win some, you lose some," Dawn said as she walked over to me, "Take care of them, okay? They need all the help they can get."

"Okay" I responded with a smile as she walked out the door. "She needs your help, I can feel it. Isn't that what you do?" Rachel said when the door shut.

"What?" Dick asked, "You help people," I added.

Dick just scoffed at us, "I used to think so. I used to think it was one of the things I was best at. Until I realized the more help some needed the worse I had to hurt the others. Do you understand?"

The was deep I thought, when did he get so poetic.

"Sometimes, when I feel the darkness come out it feels good." Rachel said, "I understand"

"You want to help them. You're just scared. Sometimes, there's no time to be scared" I said, referring to what he said earlier.

It hurt to say it cause he might have believed that but I for sure didn't, I was scared all the time and I don't think there's a way to pretend it isn't there.

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