"Bet he's full aware and hates it. Thinks it's so embarrassing to be the kid who hangs out with his mom and dad all the time."

She smiled, giving me another hug. "I hope so. I've been putting on the Harry Potter audiobooks, and let's just say that 'teenager battling dragons' isn't exactly my favorite genre."

I shook my head. "You have no taste in books."

She shrugged. "I have a great distaste for TERFs, and their writing. I'm doing it for the Austin. And I've pirated the audiobooks," she chuckled softly. "Anyway, you better get back to your Paige. Love you," she said, stroking my cheek.

"Love you too, mom. And you as well, Aussie!" I walked out the door, waving a quick goodbye at them, my face turning to the hallway when I closed the door behind me.

In front of me stood a man. He was smaller than me, writhing his hands. My blood ran cold in my veins. "What?"

He cleared his throat. "Alpha Allen, I am so honored to meet you. I'm sorry we haven't had the chance to-"

"What's this about? Whatever it is, whatever it will cost, whoever I have to bribe, I do not care. My brother and my mate will receive the care needed, understood?"

He swallowed, stepping back. "Yes, yes, I can assure you, the issue is of a whole other nature-"

"What? What issue?"

"Alpha Allen, I really believe that you should sit down-"

A growl moved through my chest. "I do not want to sit down. Tell me what is going on." I stepped forward, towards him.

He licked his lips and took a deep, slow breath. "Well, we, uh, us, the staff at the hospital, uh," he sighed.


He met my eyes, fear showing clear as day between the milky blue around his pupils. "Your mate left her hospital room with a nurse just an hour ago, is this correct?"

My heart skipped half a beat. Something began burning in my palms and the back of my head. "Yes, she was going to get some tests done." I tried to breathe deeply.

The man writhed his hands, avoiding my eyes. "Was, uh, this nurse acting within normal conduct?"

I grit my teeth together. "You're beating around the bush." I growled, stepping closer to him, his back now hitting the wall behind him.

"We have surveillance footage from the parking garage. The nurse, he wasn't employed at this hospital. He seemed to have gotten a hold of a uniform, somehow, as well as an ID card - we are currently searching to account for all our employees to make sure that they are safe- or that they didn't aid the man who, uh, who..." he took a deep breath.

"What was on the surveillance tapes?! Tell me."

"The man, dressed up as a nurse... the surveillance shows him throwing your mate into the back of a van, and then driving out of the parking garage. Your mate is... unaccounted for, at this moment."

The world went entirely silent around me. Not a breath, not a cough, not the sound of a falling needle. Everything went still.

And then I was gone. Forced to the back of my own body, the back of my mind, pushed aside in favor of the most animalistic bit of my being. I had no sense, and no control of my limbs. But I could watch.

I watched through my own eyes, their hues yellowed, as the little pisser of a doctor was picked up by the collar of his shirt. I heard my own voice, strange and deformed as it always was when Ares took control, like an echo against the inside of my skull.

Somewhere far away, I felt arms tugging and ripping at mine, trying to get my hands off of him. But Ares wasn't budging - he never was the type.

Then my mothers face appeared in my... Ares' field of vision.

Then I was me again. Breathing deeply like an animal, ragging breaths tearing through my lungs. I fell to my knees, air garbling through my throat and coming out in a mix of a howl and a cry and a roar.

And afterwards, the sounds reappeared, along with the feeling in my body. And I was in the arms of my mother, screaming as she shushed into my ear. The people in the hall dispersed, making quick work of the injuries Ares had inflicted in a few short moments. Meanwhile, my mother held me, as my body tried to rearrange. Rearrange around the bit of my soul that was suddenly ripped out and unaccounted for.

It wasn't long before my father's arms were suddenly around me as well. He pressed our foreheads together, somber eyes looking into mine. "Allen, look at me, look at dad, okay?"

Suddenly I was back to being 7 years old. Having a bunch of younger sisters running around me, making me trip and fall, taking my things, taking away all the attention I had enjoyed previously. I was back in 2nd grade, with children who did not understand the severity of my rank and thus happily picked on me because I was one of the small kids. And I was back at the times when, when I was upset, when I felt hopeless and left alone in the world and completely, entirely helpless, he would say just that. Look at dad, okay, Allen? Just look at dad.

My eyes zeroed in on him. He ruffled my hair at the back of my head gently with one hand, gripping my shoulder with the other. "We'll get her back, Allen. I promise that you'll get her back."

"We're right here for you, baby, right by your side until she's back in your arms."

I breathed deeply, the three of us still in the middle of the hallway in the hospital. They held me tight, made sure the pieces didn't crumble and fall apart. Let them find their way to fit together, at least temporarily, around the empty spot a little to the left in my chest. I closed my eyes, another deep breath, and got up off the floor, my parents following along with me.

I turned to my father, my body now back in place, for the time being, at least. "Every alpha. Every single one. Get a hold of them. I want every pack official, every border guard, every little fucking police officer patrolling any place where he might have taken her. And any and all people who have had the slightest relation to him, worked with him, I don't care if all they did was sell him a fucking couch, I want them found, I want them investigated and interrogated and tortured if so necessary. I will get her back, in one piece, unharmed, and most and above all, safe."

My father put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll start making calls right away."


Alright, night night, I'm tired as fuck.

I've found out three of my exams so far; written Danish, written English, and written social studies.

I have a weird feeling that I'll ace the English exam (I got an A last time too!)

Love youse.

Adored by the Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें