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《~~Y/NPOV ~~》

I woke up but didn't see weiss there but I saw everyone else asleep.

I got up and started walking around looking for weiss but couldn't find her.

I kept looking but nothing.

"Where is she?" I asked myself.

I kept walking around and still nothing.

I kept looking around and finally found her.

I walked up to her and she heard me walking so she turned around and saw me standing there.

she got up and walked to me.
"H-" I was cut off by seeing someone else.

"H-" I was cut off by seeing someone else

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I knew who it was.

Neo politan.
(Correct me if I'm wrong)

I tried running but she grabbed my arm.

She punched me in the face knocking me back a little bit.

She then came over and hit me with her umbrella very hard making blood spurt out of my mouth and throwing me back and knocking me down.
She then stomped on my back and turned me over so I was facing her.

She then stomped on my stomach rapidly making me cough a lot of blood.

When she was done she straddled me and started punching me in the face over and over again.

When she was done she got up and glared at me.

She then spat on me and walked away.

I started crying because of the pain.

A few minutes later ruby and her team showed up.

"Oh my God y/n are you okay!?" Ruby yelled as they ran towards me.

"N.. no I'm *coughs blood* not." I said in tears of pain.

"Who did this to you!?" Yang asked.

"N-neo." I said.

Their eyes went wide.

"Well let's not worry about that right now let's just get you to somewhere safe." Ruby said.

"Ok." I said as blake picked me up and we started walking again.

"Hey don't run off again okay." Weiss said.

"Okay." I said back.

"Hey I know a place it's also where you'll find your arm yang." The mice said.

"Ok also her name is little." Yang said to me.

"Ok." I said back.

"How do you feel." Blake asked me.

"Everything hurts. I just dont understand why she hates me so much." I said.

"Well let's change the topic. How many friends did you have back at remnant?" Yang asked me.

"One." I said.

"Who?" Ruby asked.

"Penny." I said.

"Oh penny." Blake said.

"Yeah." I said.

Yang put her arms out and blake put me in yang's arms.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I was walking around town and went into an alleyway and sat down.

I sat there for a while but then someone came into the alleyway.

I sat there for a while but then someone came into the alleyway

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They walked up to me and crouched down and I started shaking.

"W-w-who are y-you." I asked scared.

She pulled out a notebook.

(Btw I dont know if she's able to do this but just go with it please)

When she pulled out the notebook she pulled out a pen and wrote something.

She showed me what it said.

It said. "My name is neo politan but I can not talk but i can hear you. So what is your name."

"I-it's y-y/n." I said still shaking.

She wrote something down again and showed me it.

It said. "That's a beautiful name. Would you like to come with me."

"Yeah I-I-I geuss." I said as I got up.

Timeskip a few weeks after living with her.

We were in a huge argument when I hit her.

It only turned her head.

She slowly turned it back and started beating me.

Timeskip a few hours.

She was done and she wrote in her notebook again.

It said. "Dont ever let me see you again." She wrote and then she walked away.

End of dream

I woke up and I was still in yang's arms and they were still walking.

"How are we still trying to find it?" I asked.

"It's not much further." Little said.

"Ok." I said.

Freinds? (RWBY x Male Childreader)Where stories live. Discover now