falling in.

556 7 9

Y/n age: 14
I was watching some huntresses and huntsman fight someone that want's to kill us all.

"Kid get out of here now!" The girl with a red Cape yelled at me.

But I was in a trance.

The girl that wanted to kill us all pushed me off but the girl with the bow on her head grappled down and caught me.

"You need to get out!" The girl with a bow on her head yelled at me as she pulled us back up.

This still didn't get me out of my trance.

"GET OUT!" A girl with blonde hair yelled at me.

I still didn't get out of my trance.

The girl with a red Cape got knocked off but she held on with her weapon.

And then the girl with a bow on her head got knocked off.

And then the girl with yellow hair got knocked off.

And then the girl with white hair got knocked off.

Only the red caped one remained.

Although she was hanging on for her life.

The girl that wanted to kill us all turned to me.

"Shouldn't you be out of here by now." She said with a smirk as she walked over to me and crouched down.

She then grabbed me by the throat and walked back over towards where the girl with a red Cape was.

Then she dropped me off.

But the girl with a red Cape caught me.

And then the girl that wanted to kill us all unlatched her scythe and we started falling.


When I landed I had no Idea where i was but i got up and started walking around.

"Hello!... hello!... is anyone out there!?" I yelled.

After a few minutes I heard some voices.

I walked over to them and saw the huntresses.

They heard a twig snap and they turned around and saw me and everyone but the girl with the red cape glared at me.

The blonde, the white haired girl and the girl with a bow on their head walked over to me and started punching me and kicking me.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" The blonde girl yelled at me.

"WE SHOULD'VE JUST LET YOU DIE!" the girl with a bow on their head yelled at me.

"YOUR A WASTE OF AIR!" The white haired yelled at me.

The girl with a red Cape walked over.

"Guy's stop it's not his fault." The girl with a red Cape said.

"But it is his fault ruby!" The blonde yelled.

"Just stop please." The girl with a red Cape begged.

"Fine." The three said as they walked back over to the cliff.

The girl with a red cape crouched down and pulled me into a hug and I was crying.

"Shhhh.. shhhhh... it'll be ok." She said to me.

"No *sob* it wont." I said.

"It's ok they're just mad at you just give them a few hours and it'll be fine." She said.

"You promise?" I asked

"I promise. Now what's your name?" She asked.

"It's y/n." I said.

"Well mine is ruby and she is weiss, she is blake and she is yang." She said pointing at them.

"Ok." I said.

She pulled me up as she stood up and helped me walk over to the cliff.

When we got there they glared at me again.

I hid behind Ruby's legs.

"Guy's dont be mad at him for this be mad at cinder." Ruby said.

The blonde haired girl sighed and calmed down and walked over to ruby and walked past her and crouched down.

I started shaking even more.

"I won't hurt you just come here." Yang said.

I slowly walked over to her and she hugged me.

"I'm sorry." Yang said.

"It's ok." I said.

The other two walked over and hugged me as well.

"I'm sorry." The girl with a bow on her head said to me.

"I am aswell." The white haired girl said.

"It's ok." I said.

Freinds? (RWBY x Male Childreader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin