after dinner, gon informed you that they were heading to whale island, which was his home. you teared up a bit at the news, but the moment was ruined by killua calling you embarrassing for crying.

they promised to keep in contact with you. you hoped they meant that considering kurapika and leorio were MIA right now.

it was unbelievable how quickly almost three months went by. and your fight at heavens arena was also now just a few weeks away

You were grateful to meet them both. You didn't see them leaving your life for good anytime soon.

you walked them out of the building, watching as they safely took off. You wished they didn't leave, which was selfish of you. But they have their own lives to attend to, and so do you.

when the two boys were no longer in sight, you finally went back inside.

you took the elevator, which you now despised, back up to the 200th floor.

turning the corner to your apartment, of course, you were greeted by hisoka leaning against your door

He was no longer in his regular clothes, and it was clear that he cleaned himself up after the fight. He only had pyjama pants on with a t-shirt, and his hair fell to his shoulders.

"Long time no see~" he greeted

you sighed "Oh hi hisoka, you look good for someone who got punched in the face more than 20 times by a 12-year-old," you made fun of him.

"I allowed it~" he defended

You laughed "Sure. I'm assuming you want something?" you asked crossing your arms

"I'd just like to talk, is that alright with you?~," he asked,  not looking for an answer

"no. Last time you wanted to 'talk', you tricked me into another one of your little games." you said

"wasn't a trick love~" hisoka rested his eyes, knowing he was right. which he was. your ego was just too big to admit that out loud

you knew he wasn't going to move unless he got what he wanted, plus, you were too drained to fight him. so you gave in, instantly regretting it "Fine, you can come in for a few minutes."

it was true that hisoka was annoying most of the time, but you didn't mind his company every once in a while, and you could tell he enjoyed yours too

unlocking your door, hisoka trailed behind you and shut the door for you.

you turned on the main lights and glared at hisoka who looked too happy to be there

"I made you some cupcakes~" hisoka pulled out a plastic bag from his pocket, inside were two vanilla cupcakes with pink icing.

he gave a small smile as he held up the bag. you couldn't tell if he was teasing you, or just being nice

hisoka did have a soft side. he proved that when he took you out to dinner. but you couldn't entirely trust him. he was always the type of person to play tricks. how did you know the cupcakes didn't have something distasteful in them?

confusion sprouts across your face "Did you poison them or something..?"

"Of course..." he paused "not~" he nudged the bag closer to you.

You studied his face. looking for anything to reveal a lie. an eye twitch, a jitter, loss of eye contact, but there was nothing. You were able to detect whether someone was lying or not, but that was difficult to do with hisoka

You could never read him, and he always hid behind a facade

for a split second, you caught a  glimpse of kindness in his golden orbs. And that was enough to convince you to accept the bag

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