59: War Part 2

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After cleaning himself so he didn't look like some homicidal maniac, Izuku opened a portal for his spare chest plate. He had had it for a while and never needed to use it but since his previous upper armor was in an acid pool and under a ton of hospital structure, he thinks it was a good time to grab the spare.

The new armor was just like the destroyed one but without the battle damage on it. He will miss the appearance of his old one but he was sure the green paint won't last long with his reputation of getting attacked. Once done, he sealed the new helmet in and moved behind the team of heroes that raided the hospital. Crust had split off to help other heroes as Izuku suited up. Getting on the communication device, he was directed to a large civilian group for evacuation.

While he somewhat remembered the layout of the city, he didn't have portal waypoints to everywhere in it. So he began to run towards the location directed by Nezu. He tore portals to tall buildings when he could so he shortened his time on foot but the city was a war zone. He helped where he could by opening portals for any civilians he came across and taking out any villains he stumbled upon.

He finally reached a large plaza with many scared civilians in it. At least 100 were grouped up and more were arriving by the second. Heroes held a perimeter as they directed the people to wait for him. He wasted no time and tore a portal to the civilian's evacuation location.

"My name is Rip N Tear, UA first year. This portal will take you out of the city to a designated location." Izuku shouted to get everyone's attention. The other heroes saw him arrive and they began to move people thru the tear in space.

Ryukyu jogged over to Izuku as he watched people go thru the portal. "It's good you've arrived. Were you able to get the Doctor?"

Izuku nodded. "Yes, our objective is arrested and back at base."

"Good job, what of your mentor? I imagine her in the mess of things?" She waved to the center of the city where the fight between Mirio and ReDestro was taking place.

"She was severely injured and I practically had to drag her to the medics." Izuku had a sliver of worry that leaked thru his voice.

"Mirko is strong, she will be alright." She patted his armored shoulder.

Izuku didn't respond but nodded in thanks for whatever comfort she provided. The plaza was soon cleared out of civilians and Izuku was sent to another location with the same plan to evacuate more people. Ryukyu split off to another location by Nezu's orders.

Izuku jogged in a hurry to the directions provided by his principal. About halfway there he heard a familiar cracking and then the next thing Izuku knew he was launched into a building. He didn't get a chance to recover when a blast of heat and sound washed over his armored figure. Izuku lay there dazed for a moment when the groaning of the building made him focus. He tore a portal above him to down the street he came from and pulled himself thru it. The building collapsed just as the portal closed.

"Being attacked by an unknown person." He called over his comms to Nezu. Then Izuku saw him standing in the dust cloud of the building. "Scratch that, Bakugo Katsuki is the assailant."

Katsuki looked much the same as he did when Izuku last saw him. Possibly a bit bigger but Izuku couldn't tell at a distance. What he could tell was the gear he was wearing was similar to his hero costume. A black vest covered his chest with orange and red paint on it. A cylindrical gauntlet was strapped to his left forearm while his right was bare. Green cargo pants and black boots finished his outfit. What also remained the same was the scowl on his face.

"Long time no see. I see that-" "SHUT UP you Deku!" Izuku was rudely cut off by his former classmate's yelling. "What are you doing Katsuki?" He asked instead.

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