14: Back to UA

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The weekend after the sports festival was short but fun. After talking to Ochako, and talking about a good time for their date, Izuku prepared the basket for the picnic he planned. Izuku's mom was of course teasing him the whole time. From what he heard from Ochako, her parent did the same. Her father only approves because of seeing and hearing how strong Izuku was. Also saving their daughter twice put him in Mako's good graces.

It was a simple but nice picnic. A nice trail in the woods led them to an area that Izuku used for training and cleared out for this moment. Ochako came in a nice sundress while Izuku was in a darker button-up shirt. They had a nice time, talking about nothing and everything. About the reason Ochako wanted to be a hero or how good and cheap the school's food was. Once it started to get dark in the clearing in the woods they decided to pack up and call it a night. Tearing a portal to drop off the picnic basket, Izuku walked her home. Arm in arm they stayed together until her doorstep with a kiss goodbye they separated.

The whole weekend after the Sports Festival they spent talking and being next to each other, easy for Izuku to tear a portal to her front door. Ochako got comfortable being at Izuku's house, like a third home. Inko of course already is treating her like an in-law much to their embarrassment.

Finally, the day to return to school came after a night of staying up too late while being on the phone with Ochako. The morning came with the ringing of his phone waking him, someone calling him. Thinking it was his girlfriend greeting him a good morning, he picked it up with a smile on his face.

"IZUKU! We are going to be late where are you!" Came from the other end of the line. Fully awake now, he looks at the clock to see he overslept and was supposed to portal to Ochako to walk to school. Jumping out of bed he tears a portal to her living room forgetting that he sleeps without a shirt and in his underwear.

Ochako ran thru only to freeze on the other side. Going bright red, she didn't even try to hide her wandering gaze. "I overslept sorry, sorry. What is it?" As Izuku rushed about in his room to grab clothes, seeing her looking at him. He looks down to see only his sleepwear, with a gasp of slight embarrassment he covers himself up with his hands. "Pervert!" He says with mock outrage, knocking her out of her state.

"SORRY, wait YOU are the one who brought me here!" as she ran out the door of his room while averting her gaze only half heartily. Finished up changing he ran to the living room without a tie, of course, around his neck. Ochako quickly tied it and said, "Aizawa is going to be pissed we are late." Looking at the clock, only 1 minute before the bell. "Nope!" Izuku decided as she finished his tie and tore a portal to the hallway where 1A door stood. Both running thru, they see Aizawa at the other end walking then stop spotting the two running. Izuku and Ochako also freeze like deer in headlights. Aizawa just looked at both of them, then looked at the clock on the wall near him. "Eight seven six..." Hearing him count down, Izuku grabs Ochako's hand and sprints to the door. Banging it open to the startled classmates in their seats, they vault into their own and sit just as Aizawa walks in.

"Welcome back, nice to see you all in your seats and ready for today." As his gaze last just a millisecond longer on Izuku and Ochako. He goes on to explain the internships and depending on how well they did in the Sports Festival or if a hero took interest, they will receive offers to join them for a week. Showing their offerers to the class had them talking. Over 5,000 for Todoroki, a little over 3,000 for Izuku, and so on with Bakugo only receiving under 500. "Why did Midobro get less than Todoroki even though he got first? No offense Todoroki."

Todoroki waved it off and replied "Because of the name. Many just want to be attached to the number 2 Hero." Looking much more relaxed compared to before the Festival. "And the reason I didn't get as many offers is probably that they saw how ready I was to use the main part of my quirk, to rip something apart." Izuku said, not bothered by it.

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