12: Sports Festival Part 2

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While eating with Ochako and some of his friends, he thinks of how Shinso's quirk works. Being the quirk nerd he is, he is fascinated by some sort of mind-controlling quirk it only activates when he talked to Shinso or when enough time passed close by.

If that proximity is the activation then Izuku will need to end it quickly before it gets a hold of him or if it's based on verbal or even non-verbal responses then he will end it just as quickly. Izuku doesn't care that his opponent is from 1C, a non-hero class. He knows of quirks that appear to be non-combative and end up being dangerous in a fight.

For example his mother's quirk attraction of small objects, he has seen her use it hundreds of times to help her in the kitchen or simply to get a remote from the table. But Izuku has a theory that if an emergency came, like a threat to her life, she could use it in a deadly fashion. After all what qualified a small object, organic or not, just like his quirk. Capillaries in the brain are small.

But back to his thoughts on Shinso, ignoring his quirk he doesn't seem to have any way to fight. There was no muscle mass on his arms when he confronted class 1A or when he caught Izuku with his quirk. Maybe too much reliance on his quirk, either way, end it quickly.

Finally done with their food, Izuku and Ochako lean into each other unconsciously. Both lost in their thoughts about the future matches, Ochako's on how to fight Bakugo. Both are unaware of the snickering of their friends watching the two act like a couple.

Mineta and Kaminari come into the lunch area with smiles on their faces, some of their classmates see this and know they are up to something. Most notably a green-haired killing machine, but he will hold his judgment until he knows what his is dealing with.

Going up to Yayoruzo, he says "When are you girls going to ready for the cheerleader's tournament? Shouldn't you have already changed?" The little slimeball says.

After watching Mineta and Yayoruzo talk about this fake tournament to get the girls into skimpy clothes, Izuku has had enough. Getting up and going to a window looking out into the arena, he spots the announcement booth. A boxed room on the other side, easily visible.

With everyone's eyes on him, he rips a hole in space right into a one-sided conversation with Present Mic doing all the talking to a large grub on the floor. Mic never seeing the portal up close, screams like a girl some say, but thankfully without his quirk.

"Hey Aizawa, is there some Cheerleaders Tournament coming up soon? I figured since I'm the class rep I would have known about it. Odd that Mineta is giving the news." Izuku says on the other side of the portal.

With the feeling of impending doom Mineta tries to run but like in a horror movie, a tendril of white cloth grabs him from the opening of the portal and pulls I'm thru. Seeing the little problem gone he closes the tear and sits back with Ochako to rest for the upcoming fights.

After a bit, the sound of Present Mic comes out and announces the start of the Tournament in 15 minutes. Izuku headed down into the waiting room with a hug from Ochako for good luck and many pats on the back from his other classmates.

While sitting there, he thinks of his feelings for Ochako and finally decided that he will ask her out, but after the tournament. Izuku doesn't want to distract her from her fights.

With that decision, he focuses on his fight with Shinso, end it quickly. Ring out or knockout, that way his quirk can't activate. While in his thoughts the intercom tells Izuku to go to the arena. Arriving at the entrance he gets a bit nervous, all those eyes on his fight. Steeling himself, he powers thru and walks out to fight. Staring right at him as his opponent, across the ring.

Midnight began to set the rules of the fights. Lose by knockout, ring out, or tap out. No lethal attacks, as Izuku feels Midnight look at him slightly longer. Not taking offense, he sets himself ready to charge at Shinso. With the end of the rules, the purple-haired boy began to talk.

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