42: Raid on Overhaul

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The class went to bed after the movie. Izuku, Ochako, and Eri all went to Izuku's room to drift off, Eri was already bobbing her head and dozing off in Izuku's arms as he carried her to bed. The next morning was normal as usual but now with mama Inko helping everyone out. She mothered everyone as they got ready to go to school.

Izuku and Ochako already spoke to Eri about having to leave early for their internships and wouldn't be able to see her until later that night. They were hoping Eri would get more comfortable with staying with their classmates and the pillow fort last night helped with that. Izuku, Ochako, Tsu, and Kirishima all had to leave school early for their raid on the compound. They were anxious about their first big raid. They asked Izuku for advice but he was no help.

"I mean I just went in there and did what they said. Go over there, done. Help them, alright. Don't die, easy enough." Izuku tried to calm them but they just looked at him with a deadpan expressions.

The time came and the four left a couple of hours before the raid was set to start. They got changed and Izuku tore a portal for them to Sir Nighteye's agency. From there they went over the plan and any information on the people they may be fighting. Overhaul will be the most dangerous with his quirk. The ability to reconfigure any material he touches is a very dangerous power. Aizawa would be ideal to have him neutralize his quirk but it will be played by ear. Sir used his quirk on one of the thugs that went after Inko to get a layout of the compound. It's not perfect but it will have to be.

Time clicked forward and now they were gathered around a point where Izuku would open the portal. It was close to the compound itself just in case Izuku couldn't open a portal for the rest of the heroes. After some final preparation, Rip N Tear was told to start.

"So, how are you going to do this? Uravity will float you in or something?" Fat Gum asked Izuku in his armor. The rest of the heroes looked at him as well, curious how the green armored man would do this.

"Oh, simple. Like this and I jump." Izuku tore a portal looking down on the compound.

"Woah woah woah, that drop will seriously hurt you if not kill you!" Rock Lock said stopping Izuku from jumping.

"Well, what's your plan then?" Mirko asked with venom in her tone.

"Guys?" Tsu spoke up.

"Calm down, this is no time to start something." Ryukyu tried to step between the two.

"Sorry but guys?" Kirishima also tried to speak up after seeing what Tsu saw.

"It's too late to change the plan. We need to move forward with the raid." Sir said in a rational tone.

"It doesn't matter. He jumped." Ochako got tired of hearing them bicker and spoke up.

"What!" Some heroes snapped their heads to the closing portal and missing armored figure.

Rip N Tear dropped from 20 feet in the air. His armor was designed to absorb drops like this and with a couple of hundred pounds of metal armor on him, he plummeted. None of the Shie Hassaikai were expecting Rip N Tear to crash thru the top floor of the compound and rip thru the two next floors until he cracked the concrete on the bottom floor. With all the dust and rubble, no one could see what crashed thru all three floors of the compound.

Izuku needed to make a safe landing for the other heroes so after he got up from the landing he charged. The first couple didn't know what was going on and couldn't see thru the dust. All they heard was cries of pain and dropping bodies.

"Who's there!?" One particular scared thug yelled out, his hand on the bat was shaking. "Anybody?" The next thing he saw was an armored hand grab him by the face and then he was airborne.

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