4: Canon

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At 15 years of age Izuku head to school after getting up, grabbing a quick breakfast. He sees a giant villain next to the train tracks and thinks he should head out as he hears a hero shout out his special move. While he likes heroes and quirks he has calmed down from writing every quirk he sees to every quirk he finds unique. Another strength quirk pass, someone who looks like has a whole galaxy in their eyes, in the book. He arrives at school with some time to spare, as he waits for the teacher to arrive Katsuki shows up and sneers at Izuku, just for existing, dick. Now at the end of the day, the teacher told everyone that they should all be thinking of their future, but he already knows what everyone wants to be, a hero. And there goes Katsuki yelling about how he will be the only one going to UA and that he is the best.

The teacher looks at Izuku and he slowly shakes his head that he wants to keep his application to his school private. He ends class and tells everyone to start studying for the entrance exam. As he heads out Katsuki tries to grab his notebook and Izuku pulls it away and stores it in his backpack. Katsuki is saying something or another but he doesn't listen so he jumps down the stairs as the bomber gives chase. As soon as Katsuki is out of the eye line he opens a tear and jumps thru closing behind him he continued to walk home.

As he walks under an underpass he hears a noise coming from the sewers and backs away, seeing a sludge villain come sliding out of the sewers. Saying something along the lines of needing a flesh suit, Izuku didn't listen anymore and dodged his attempts of capturing Izuku. As he was thinking of a plan to open a tear under him to the middle of the ocean, the sewer lid pops out, and there behind the villain is All Might.

After smashing the villain and he bottles him up. When he was done he asked to sign Izuku's notebook as he did he offered All Might to open a tear to a police station. He gladly agrees and thanks Izuku for the transportation. While in his head thanking Izuku for saving him from straining himself with his time limit. As Izuku headed to the dojo he thought today was pretty alright. He got to meet the number 1 hero after all. Then he thought of what he was going to tell mom, he cringed a bit and let that be future Izuku problems. She was not happy to hear her son was in a villain attack but glad he was unhurt and helped All Might.

So 10 months passed by with him continuing to clean the beach and working on tearing faster and faster. He has been pretty fit ever since he joined the dojo so he continued his training. During the 10 months, he finished cleaning the beach and decided to bring his mother and show her where he started. And finally, the UA entrance exam was here. As he walked, he hear Katsuki yelling about how Izuku shouldn't be here. After he was done he dodged a shove from Katsuki and followed behind to the entrance. As he walked he tripped on a loose brick and tried to catch himself but began to spin in midair. Talking to himself, thinking he activated a part of his quirk he didn't know about he heard a giggle from his right.

A girl his age with a bob of brown hair said "Sorry didn't want you to fall before the exam." As she set him upright he didn't know what to say, he only had Katsuki as a friend, and look at how he turned out. He never spoke to a girl before, so he went with his gut.

"AH Thank you, I'm Izuku Midoriya." He said slightly too loud as he introduced himself.

She smiled and introduced herself as Ochaka Uraraka. As they small-talked they headed to their exams.

After many tests later he was in front of the practical exam sight. As he looked around he saw Uraraka and decide to head over to calm her down maybe with good luck. Sadly he was stopped by a tall teen with square everything. Claiming that he was going to distract her from the exam, he decided to be an adult and ignored him completely. Before he could though the exam started and he wasted no time opening a tear as far as he could see into the faux city.

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