38: Eri Part 2

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It was Thursday when Eri was rescued from her fate and the class woke up on Friday. A day in which they still had classes and Izuku now had a child. Izuku decided to wake up early to get ahead of the rush of the chaos class. How was he supposed to have classes and take care of a child very dependent on him? That's a problem for one hour in the future Izuku.

He woke Eri up as gently as he could but she was startled awake anyways. She did calm quickly when she saw him smiling gently at her. "Time to get up, little one. I have school and I'm not sure how this is going to work out but it will." He said confidently.

She nodded groggy and got up from the mattress. He changed quickly and helped her change as well into something comfortable. They brushed their teeth and headed to the kitchen. She still held his hand whenever she could and looked around somewhat less nervously than yesterday.

Once in the kitchen, Izuku asked. "Do you want pancakes or eggs for breakfast?" He tied one of Sato's aprons on.

"What are pancakes?" She asked sitting at the counter.

"They are like fluffy bread you add syrup too. Wanna try it?" He tried to explain.

She agreed and he got to mixing the batter and heating the pan up. "Can I ask questions?" Her voice was quiet but Izuku heard her fine.

He turned to her and her gaze was down in fear of getting rebuked. "Of course, you can. You can ask me anything you like and if there is something I don't want you to ask I'll tell you." He smiled and tried to get her to relax.

She looked up and nodded and then she asked. "Why did Chako sleep with you?"

"Because she is my girlfriend and she likes to sleep in the same bed as me." He decided to be as honest as he could be for a young traumatized child.

"What's a girlfriend?" She asked next.

"It comes before being husband and wife." He decided to answer. He poured the batter into the pan as he spoke.

"So when will she be your wife?" She asked still with the innocent curiosity of a child.

"We decide that together in the future."

"Do you want her to be your wife?"

Izuku paused at that question. "Yes, I think I do. You like to ask questions, don't you?" He asked smiling at her and cutting up the cooked pancakes for the child.

What he didn't notice was half the class hiding behind the walls of the kitchen and listening to him speak plainly about his relationship with the resident gravity girl. The girl in question was blushing furiously while covering her face. But that didn't hide the overjoyed smile from being seen. Mina had to be gagged by Yayoruzo and Tsu so they could still listen to the soap opera going on live.

Once Izuku poured the syrup on the pancakes, he could see the stars in the child's eyes. "All done, try some." And she did, she ate more than Izuku expected but was happy to see the little girl enjoy her meal.

The class trickled in after a bit of setting the plate down for Eri. Izuku looked at the clock and wondered if everyone decided to sleep in today. Ochako came up to Izuku and give him a big hug and a kiss for no clear reason. But he wasn't going to reject such a greeting.

The class finish their breakfast and stared at Izuku for their portal. He rolled his eyes and tore a portal to the classroom. Ever since the first day, it has been his responsibility to get everyone to class on time. Izuku, Eri, and Ochako were the last thru with Eri being carried by Izuku.

"Where are we?" She asked now getting comfortable with asking questions freely.

"Our classroom, so we learn how to be heroes and other things." He replied.

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