26: Raid in Kamino

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The two hero teams split up and went to their locations, Izuku quickly tore a portal between the two locations for easier access. Once he got that done he headed back to the Detective's side. Where Endeavor was watching the warehouse on a computer. The area around both the bar and warehouse was cleared out discreetly from civilians. That way it wasn't contained inside either building they wouldn't have to worry about any collateral damage that couldn't be built again.

Endeavor won't be attacking directly at the bar and he complained about it like a child. He was there so any villains that managed to escape in the initial attack, would be able to catch them.

Izuku was distracted by the live interview with UA. It was Aizawa looking spiffy as hell, Nezu, and Vlad King. They were apologizing to the public for failing to keep their students safe and so on. Izuku thought they have been doing great with everything that has happened. They continue with getting questions from the press. There were many questions and allegations about UA's reputation and ability to teach its students. One did catch Izuku's attention.

"This is a question about what has happened at the UA training camp. You permitted your students to fight back with quirk use. Why did you want to have them fight?" The voice said.

"It was have them defend themselves or die trying to escape with no way to fight back with everything they had." Aizawa said, not looking pleased with the question.

Another voice came out, "So you approve of one of your students being responsible for the death of one of the villains?" A woman said.

"Hey Detective, have you announced that Muscular is dead yet? Because if you haven't, you got a leak." He asked the man also looking at the screens. Izuku only got quiet curses in response, I guess that's a no to the release.

"That death while unfortunate is better than having a dead child they were trying to kill. The child of the Water Horses who Muscular killed before. That man was closer to a monster than he was human. My student protected everyone he could and was a hero in my eyes." Aizawa looked angry now and Izuku was beginning to tear up at his words.

"Your student Izuku Midoriya the winner of the Sports Festival and the one who took out Stain the Hero Killer was responsible for the death of Muscular and you approve of his actions of killing the man?" She continued on but now it seemed she just wanted to release information about him.

"Hey Detective, that leak is getting kinda big. Your gonna need some Flex Seal." Starting to get worried about the loud cursing coming from the usually composed man. Some of the heroes were looking at Izuku, some in horror and some in pity. He waved at them to not worry.

The woman who leaked all of Izuku's information was taken away from others by guards. But not before she shouted out. "The same Izuku Midoriya, who is responsible for the death of the nomu in the USJ incident." She was gagged and dragged away.

"You need to replace the pipe it's such a bad leak." Izuku said to no one in particular. The others looked at him in bewilderment, he got his information leaked out and he was cracking jokes.

"We do not appreciate shouting out information about specific students, if it happens again there will be consequences." Nezu said getting up to look down at the reporters.

"Izuku Midoriya is one of the best students I've ever had. Any time there was danger, he evacuated everyone he could before neutralizing the threat. He will become a great hero and I can't wait for the day it comes." Aizawa said defending him like never before. There weren't any more questions about Izuku after that.

Izuku was crying in pride at what his teacher said about him. "I'm gonna need to get him a coffee mug." As he wiped the tears away.

"We start in one minute!" The headset sounded out in Izuku's ear. He put his helmet on and locked it in place, time to get serious.

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