52: 1A and 1B Battle

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It was nearing winter when Aizawa called his class to the training grounds. The Chaos Class suited up in their modified winter costumes and headed to meet him. Izuku's suit was already protected against the elements but his arms were exposed to the chill air. So he grabbed an old sweater and tore the sleeves off and put them on with his armor. He could slip them off quickly and the sweater was on its last legs, so no loss.

He joined the rest of the class as they chuckle at his modification. With his helmet off and on his hip, Izuku mock glares at everyone for laughing at him.

"It's cold! Don't laugh at my very reasonable response!" Izuku tried to defend himself but only made more of his classmates chuckle at their class president.

Ochako approached him while holding in a laugh. "You look ridiculous, you could have chosen a different color but bright yellow clashes hard with green."

"It's the only one I didn't mind getting tossed into the garbage." Izuku's pout clashed with his large frame in heavy armor.

Aizawa arrived at the gathering and looked over everyone quickly before doing a double take and staring at Izuku. He let out a long sigh and rubbed his forehead while shaking his head. "Just one day." He said under his breath. Their teacher straighten out and began again. "Alright we are doing a class battle against Class B-"

"The best class there is!" Monoma's voice cut off what Aizawa was saying. The rest of Class B was behind him as Monoma was wrapped up in Eraserhead's scarf.

"As I was saying, you all will be fighting in groups of four against four of them. You will treat them as villains and they will do the same. The objective is to capture your opponents and put them in the jail located where you begin. If you are jailed, you are out." He explained to his attentive class while the blond wriggled in his bindings.

Small Might and Midnight arrived shortly after Aizawa's explanation. "Don't mind us, we are here just to watch." Midnight waved at them all.

They picked the teams by random and Izuku was paired with Ochako, Mina, and Mineta. He was excited to work with his classmates in this way. He was twice as excited to work with his girlfriend in a combat situation. The small team gathered up and high fived each other in eagerness.

"There will be no excessive force in this exercise or there will be severe consequences." Vlad King's voice boomed out and was staring at Izuku directly.

"He should just sit out lest he kills one of us." Monoma's sneered after his teacher.

"Like you used excessive force in our spar with that spear?" Izuku shot back innocently.

Vlad's face reddened at his retort. Before he opened his mouth, Aizawa spoke. "I trust Midoriya won't use his quirk on anyone." He defended his student and stared Vlad down.

"I can take him!" Tetsutetsu said while clashing his iron fists together making sparks fly out.

Half of 1A snorted at his words. Tetsu was taken aback at that. "What was that supposed to mean!?" Testu said.

Yayoruzo created a metal cube about three inches thick and held it up to Izuku. "Boop." He poked it and the metal screeched as he left a finger sized hole thru the center of it. Yayoruzo then tossed the cube at Tetsu as he grunted at the weight.

"I won't use my quirk on anyone but I think it's fair if I grab you then you can't use that limb anymore, vitals then out. Same rules I use when sparing with Mirko." Izuku said the everyone and looked past the pale Tetsu and to Aizawa for approval.

"I find that appropriate, approved." He said without consulting his teaching counterpart much to his anger.

Everyone grouped up in their teams and began to strategize. Izuku meanwhile approached Aizawa for a request. "Aizawa is there a way so that I don't get paired against Monoma's team? If he copies my quirk, he won't have the restraint I trained for years." He looked at Aizawa seriously.

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