Things I Hate

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1: Loud chewing
2: Loud/heavy breathing
3: Mouth breathers
4: Wet coughs
5: Talking to me as soon as I wake up
6: Staring
7: Chewing with your mouth open
8: Asking me the dumbest question you already know the answer to
9: Pointing out the obvious
10: Lip smacking
11: Physical touch
12: Calling for me, but when I answer you say nothing
13: Talking to me when I have earbuds/headphones on
14: Talking to me when I don't want to talk
15: When I say something and you turn it into an argument then saying that I always argue with you
16: Women who make fun of men's height and penis sizes
17: Women who say all men are trash
18: Gay guys who say all men are trash
19: People who try and make men feel bad for wanting a traditional wife
20: Women who make other women feel bad for wanting to be a traditional wife
21: Women who think it's ok to body shame, other women, and men
22: Women who say that we don't need men
23: When women get their men to open up to them, then when they get into a fight they use that against them
24: When people invalidate men when they open up about their experiences with r/pe or s/a and make them to blame
25: Horse racing
26: Rodeos
27: Barrel racers who kick/whip the ever-living shit out of their horse
28: Bull riding
29: Bullfighting
30: Plus-size equestrians riding horses they don't fit on
31: Horse/animal abusers
32: Parents who beat their kids and call it discipline
33: Child abusers
34: People who call Zayn an asshole for leaving the boys when in all reality they left him
35: People who stick their dumbass into other people's business
36: People who hate Marvel
37: People who hate DC
38: Simon Cowell
39: One Direction's old management
40: Rude interviewers
41: Peirce Morgan
42: That one guy who made that Boston marathon comment towards Zayn
43: Logan Paul, Jake Paul
44: Racists
45: People who fake mental illnesses
46: Pedos
47: People who make a big deal out of nothing
48: The Willow project
49: Women who think the pay gap is real
50: Crying babies
51: People who hate Zayn
52: Veggies
53: Homewreckers
54: Liars
55: The H*dids
56: Olivia Wilde
57: Perrie Edwards
58: Women who lie about who the child's real father is just so the 'father' will pay child support
59: Roachs
60: Bad acting
61: Azealia Banks

That is it...I think ?? Anywho hope you enjoyed 🤭

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