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This is what Zayn looks like, but with his all recent tattoos

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This is what Zayn looks like, but with his all recent tattoos

Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall are famous and are still 1d. Zayn isn't famous and works as a tattoo artist, he saves up enough money and buys Vip tickets to a 1d concert for his sisters. I also got this idea from a Ziall fanfic, I don't remember the name but once I find it I will put it down in the comments. But this has my own little twist to it. Oh and Doniya is younger than Zayn, but only by year.

Narrator POV: 

Zayn cleaned his supplies and put them back in their case before standing and walking to the back, he clocked out and went to the front of the tattoo parlor "Bye Nava, I'll see you Friday. Oh and don't forget, Ravon won't be here Tuesday so you gotta find someone else to take his shift." Zayn said as he leaned on the counter "Yeah yeah, I know...hey why can't you take his shift?" she asked as she lifted a brow "Cause Tuesday is the day of that one subtraction concert I'm taking the little devils to." he said as he reached over the counter and grabbed her drink and finishing the last of it "Hey, that was mine! And it's One Direction." she yelled as she reached for the empty bottle "Don't care. One Direction, One Subtraction, doesn't matter." "So who would be able to take Rav's shift? I mean I could ask Marv...but she kinda scares me, gives me the heeby geebies." She said with a shiver like she was getting flashbacks of something so traumatizing "She's not all that bad, just buy her some glazed donuts...I heard that she likes those." Zayn said as he shifted his weight to his other leg "How di- You know what, yeah I'll ask her. I mean she can't be ALL that bad, especially noting the fact that she did try to FUCKING RIP MY WEAVE OUT WHEN I ACCIDENTALLY SPILLED INK ON HER WHITE T-SHIRT!" Nava yelled sarcastically before hitting Zayn over the head repeatedly with her empty coke bottle (Don't worry, it's the plastic bottle.) "OW OW O- OKAY STOP!" Zayn yelled out in pain before grabbing her weapon wielding hand and taking the bottle out of her grasp "Just ask Cash, he's always willing to work extra, plus he did miss half of last week when he had to go to his dog's girlfriend's owner's sister's wedding...which doesn't really sound real, but he did post some pictures at the wedding so I dunno. He could make up for missing all that time." Zayn said as he put the bottle in recycling "Yeah I could, I guess. Anyways, I'm gonna miss you while you're out watching four hot dreamy men sing and trying to dance and getting wet while they have one of their iconic water fights on stage-" She said while looking off into the distance, which would be a wall, putting her hand on her cheek smiling dreamily, at the wall, letting out a strange sigh. Zayn looked at her like he had just witnessed a dog barfing and and eat the barf again "Dumbass..." He mumbled before walking out of the shop, he grabbed his helmet and put it on carefully, not to mess up his 'hair', he hopped on his motorcycle before turning it on and going back home.

Once he was home he parked his motorcycle in his spot, he took his helmet off and walked up to the door, he grabbed his home key and unlocked it. Zayn stepped inside the house and put his stuff on the couch "Safaa what do you have?" His father Yaser asked from the kitchen "A knife!" she yelled as she ran into the living room "No!" Yaser yelled before running after her. Zayn burst out in laughter as he witnessed the scene going on in front of him, gripping on to the the couch for support he held his stomach as he started wheezing. "Zaynie!" Safaa yelled as she dropped the knife and ran up to her older brother who had his arms wide open for her "My little fiend of a sister, come here!" He yelled as he wrapped his arms around the young girl lifting her up and spinning in a circle. Safaa giggled as she held onto her brother, she wrapped her legs around his torso and hid her face in the crook of his neck.

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