"And he was released the same day when the Mexican Police Department found him innocent." I gritted out and Barnes just looked more irritated with my interruption.

"Stephen Walker." She said and I felt myself pale.

"Did you know that he was the first agent in the BAU's history to die in the field? Did you know that he left behind a wife and two kids?"

"I did know that." I said trying not to let my emotions show.

"And that was under your leadership. Remind me of why you brought him onto the team again?" She said.

"I brought him onto to the team because of his specialization in counterintelligence. At the time he was very insightful in catching Peter Lewis, who had escaped from prison." I said.

"Peter Lewis, that's the man that killed him and kidnapped you, correct?" She asked.

"Yes." I gritted out and she just nodded before turning her attention to a file on her desk.

"Let's discuss the rest of your agents." She said as she pulled out a stack of papers.

So that's what we did for the next two hours. I had to defend and explain almost every single decisions made by every team member. Halfway through, I knew whatever I was saying wouldn't even matter because Barnes had an endgame. I just didn't know what it was.

The last agent we got too was Y/n and I could feel myself starting to sweat. We had been careful about our relationship. No one knew but the rest of team. Or at least I hoped.

"I see that you hired Agent Y/l/n without any prior field experience."

"It's Dr. Y/l/n, and yes I did." I gritted out.

"And in less than a year she has been both, suspended and shot." Agent Barnes added.

"Both of those things were dealt with according to the bureau's protocol." I said with a forced smile.

Linda Barnes just sighed as she closed the file and leaned on her desk.

"Alright, I'm just going to cut to the chase." Barnes said and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

That would have been nice two hours ago...

"Your agents are reckless and it doesn't help that you're equally as rash."


"You are unreliable, destructive, and overall just a flight risk."

"Are you kidding me?!" I said as I stood up from my chair.

"Obviously, I'm not. It takes one look into your file to see that my observation are correct. Let alone the fact that you can't even have a formal conversation with me without acting out." She countered back, unamused.

"Well, you're wrong. During your look into my file did you see that I currently hold the record to both Agent Hotchner and Agent Gideon in the unsubs we've convicted and the number of families we've brought justice too in a year span? Did you read that I have more connection, both nationally and internationally than you ever will." I sneered.

"And how do you think you achieved those connections?" Barnes said with an eyebrow raise.

"I achieved those connections on my own. I have never once used my name or my parents wealth to get me anything." I scoffed back.

"Just because you never used the connections doesn't mean you haven't been handed opportunities because of it."

"I am well aware of that but-"

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now