
935 19 27

William Afton

How could this happen?   I had everything planned perfectly,  dotting my i's and crossing my t's.    And yet Michael went and got my son killed,  his frontal lobe practically demolished.   I never wanted this to happen,  this wasn't the plan.    I need to get that toy back,  he would've wanted it.
It should be in Fredbear's where he dropped it.




I can't find it!
Did someone take it?   I need to get it back!


Oh my god!   Did that really just happen?!
The poor kid,   he didn't want to even be here.   The little boy dropped his Fredbear doll under a table,  I found it while on my clean up rounds after the diner closed.   I'll hold onto it till he wakes up since he was still alive when the police came,  I hope he'll be ok.

Welcome to my Nightmare book!
I have so many book ideas lined up,  but I thought this would be one I want to start.
I hope you enjoy! 💗

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