Chapter 30 (Who Is That Kid?)

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art by me, lol Eclipse has no legs

"YOU!" Sun yelled at a roach, Blood watched from a distance amused. Sun stomped his foot down on it multiple times and it escaped every single time, Sun growled and continued stomping at the floor and it ran around in a panic. Sun finally managed to squash it, he sighed and Olly watched nearby. 

"So" Sun said turning "I hear their is a new government base" he said "wanna raid it?" Blood nodded "I don't see why not, falling off a cliff really was in the past" he glared and Sun felt shame rise in him "yeah... sorry" Blood rolled his eyes "lets just go already" he said standing up from his chair.

Sun sighed, "okay" he felt very guilty, it was clear Blood was mad, made sense. Blood and Sun snuck out and PizzaPlex and walked down a alleyway, they were familiar with this alleyway, the way to the SCP's but that is not where were going.

Sun led the way and they walks for a while until they were sure there were no cameras and teleported to the government base, Sun sighed "so how are we gonna raid it, head on or-" Blood charged, of course... "head on it is" Sun charged along with Blood, it was easy to get in, knowing magic is over powered. 

Sun of course could just snap them out of existence, but where's the fun with that? He always used it as a back up plan, "okay, so where do you want to check first" Sun asked looking around the white building, "hmm" Blood said "lets try and find out what this building is about" Sun nodded "yeah, I am curious" he was indeed curious.

It's not everyday a new government base is built, Sun's eyes darted around and he said "you check down that hall, I check down that hall" he pointed down the halls and Blood shrugged "sure" they parted ways temporarily and Sun crept down the hall ways and opened a door curiously.

A bunch of scientists jumped and stared, hmm. Sun took a step closer "well hi, don't mind me" Sun began to worry about Blood slightly, the scientist took out a pistol "lame" Sun said taking another step closer "come one you have to have something better" Sun looked disappointed "oh well, to bad for you" Sun shrugged "bye bye" Sun killed them and took a look around the lab.

Not bad, not bad at all. He was impressed that it was complex, good for them. Sun sighed and walked over to a drawer and opened them. Lab tools nothing of interest or nothing Sun didn't have. Sun left the room and went to the next. No one was in this one, for the best. Sun began exploring, then something caught his eye a small parchment of paper. Sun walked over, it was folded delicately.

Sun picked it up curiously, it seemed to be family photo... Two kids, they were wearing goofy glasses, the parents were to. A beautiful woman, with long blond hair, bright green eyes, and a large flowing blue dress, and a man. He smiled and was wearing a suit, this family was clearly wealthy or this was some special occasion.

The thing that caught Sun's eye the most was the kids, he couldn't put his finger on it... but this picture felt... familiar... it was strange. Sun frowned at the picture, but there was one boy. He had curly blond hair, a wide smile, green goofy glasses, hazel eyes, freckles, he was wearing a green shirt, and blue shorts... that kid.

Sun continued staring, he was trying his best to figure this out. That kid is... familiar. Everything about this photo is familiar, why? And why does that freckled kid seem so familiar? Sun checked his daycare profiles, nothing that had the kids face so Sun couldn't have met him. 

There were two kids both seemed to be brothers, close brothers. Sun was so confused, none of the faces were on his profiles, he couldn't have met them. So how does he know them? Or even feel familiar with them, Sun saw a logo behind them, Ske's Amusement Park, so this was taken in a amusement park, this explains why it's so colorful in the background.

Sun forced himself to stop looking at the picture, he folded it neatly and pocketed it. He didn't know why but this picture felt... important.

A little while later he and Blood met up again "find anything?" he asked Sun nodded "yes I did, I found a photo" Sun said with a sigh and Blood looked interested "oh, can I see" Sun nodded and gave Blood the photo, "wait" Blood said staring, his eyes widened in shock "no way" he said, "no freakin way" Sun was curious"what?" he asked curiously.

"That" he pointed at a kid, not the one Sun recognized "I feel like thats... me" if Sun had coffee he would have spat it out "WHAT!" he cried, this has been one crazy week... Blood looked like he was going to cry "and those are my parents" Blood said softly.

This was not at all what Sun expected to find in a government base, he was happy for Blood, but he was also very shocked. Blood frowned "and that kid," he pointed at the kid Sun recognized, Sun perked up "I'm not sure who that is... but we seem to be brothers, or maybe close friends" Blood said, Sun nodded, sort of disappointed.

"I can't believe you found this" tears swam in Blood's eyes, "I lost this long ago and I thought I'd never get it back..." Blood said softly, Sun hugged him tightly, to be honest he wasn't very sure what to do in this situation, so he just went for a hug. 

Blood took it, "I'm so glad this was found... the scientist took this long ago... It makes me wonder why this is here" Blood sighed, Sun nodded. He wondered the same thing now that Blood said this, why was a portrait of Blood's family here?

"Well, I think we should go" Sun sighed and Blood nodded and sighed, we walked out of the government building. Sun only got more questions than answers... I mean sure he got a lot of answers but he also had a lot of questions that Blood didn't seem to have answer to, I mean it's great that Blood's walking home with something important to him.

But Sun couldn't forget that kid, the kid which Blood didn't seem to know, and yet he was there... and Sun recognized him, from somewhere, and yet he couldn't put his finger on it. It was so weird, so odd. Sun wondered if that kid was important, he hoped he could find out who that kid is soon...

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now