Chapter 21 (Moon's past)

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Mentions of death

Sun kicked down the door and yelled "I created a thing made of pure energy!" Chica looked up and frowned "you what?" Blood tilted his head and confusion and Sun showed them. Moon leaned closer to take a look at the small white orb "what is it?" he asked curiously and Sun chuckled "the newton star" said Sun in a mysterious voice.

"A thing of complete energy" Blood frowned "isn't that impossible..." and Sun laughed "I broke a couple of laws of science to do this, no magic was used" Chica stared "you never cease to impress me" Moon stared "why did you create it?" asked Moon and Sun blinked "In case the world gets destroyed by something big or what not, with this I can send it back to stage 1" Sun was proud of his work.

Blood sighed "that sounds kind of messed up..." and Sun sighed "I agree which why I'm only going to use it in a emergency" Olly tried to poke it, but it had this strange barrier around it "cool" she said and Sun smiled "it is incredibly dangerous" he said "I probably shouldn't have created it" he said but he shrugged "oh well" Moon made grabby hands towards it and Sun let him hold it.

There was no one he trusted more than these  robots and animals, Moon stared eyes wide "Sun you've created something mind blowing" and Sun smirked "so I have" Moon stared "I don't think I could create anything like this" Moon shrugged "meh whatever" Sun smiled "it's a plan in case something goes terribly wrong" shrugged Sun "that's all" he took it carefully, "don't tell anyone okay" everyone took the vow. 

Sun knew they would keep it till the end of there days.

Moon (eight years before)

"Foxy!" he yelled looking around Perry turned "ay Moon, where you off to?" Moon turned looking around for Foxy's orange fur "I'm looking for Foxy" said Moon and Perry sighed, cleaning her red feathers "I did a swoop, he's not here. I'm worried" Moon stared "where could he be!" he cried.

He felt a panic rise in him, he had heard that they were making a new animatronic. They couldn't have done that... right? "Has anyone seen Foxy" cried Ower, the siren animatronic of the pirate crew. Moon clutched his sword "I've looking for him for a while" worry gnawed at his servo's, Moon pushed his pirate hat out of his face.

Ower frowned "really?" she looked around her green hair moving along with it, "he has to be somewhere, we'll make a search mission!" she cried and Moon straightened looking around "I'll check the pirate ship" said Moon even though he's checked it multiple times.

Ower nodded and Moon ran off the crew split up, Moon climbed up the rope ladder swiftly and climbed up to crows nest and balanced on the sail, breaking many rules in the process but who cares, and he looked around. His eyes swept the deck for any bright orange fur, no sign. Moon sighed and swung down with a rope. Again breaking many rules.

He landed on the ground with his feet neatly and went below deck, he searched the rooms. All the crews bedrooms, he checked Foxy's, he checked every single room. No sign of Foxy, not one. Moon felt dread gnaw at his servos, where could he be? It's not like him to run off without telling the crew first!

Moon checked the whole below deck and jumped off the pirate ship, he looked around and ran off to check somewhere else. Then that's when he got the notification, the announcement that changed his life forever. 

Moon stiffened and opened it, dread built in his stomach as he read it.

New animatronic Roxanne Wolf is now out for the public! Sadly Foxy will not be around anymore, he helped make this new incredible modern animatronic! Foxy's sacrifice...

Moon fell to his knees tears building in his eyes, he couldn't read this anymore, NO NO NO! It can't be true, they-they killed Foxy! They killed a being, they killed his best friend with nothing but a shrug! Moon's voice box tightened and his servos felt like they were breaking apart "NO NO NO!" he cried "it's not true" tears fell down his face.

I refuse to believe it! Moon's claws put scratches in the foam mats as he clenched them,  they just killed him! Foxy's sacrifice! No! A sacrifice is made when you want it to be made, l-like jumping in front of a bullet to save a friend, this was cold murder put into nicer words! Moon was enraged, hurt and a new fear built in him.

He realized that he was at the mercy of this cruel cheap company, and they don't care if they kill someone... Moon shook all over, they don't care. They care for nothing but money. His friend was gone... dismantled for some grey wolf! NO! It just wasn't fair none of this is fair! Foxy didn't deserve this! He was nice, he cared for the kids more then anyone! He cared for everyone and was loyal, they just destroyed that all!

They destroyed my best friend, and they don't care. I bet they expect us to just go along with our life like nothing happened! Just forget Foxy existed, heck no! Fazbear entertainment, more like  Faztrash dump! 

The amount of law suits they covered up! It's just... why? Why did I have to be created if I'm just going to be destroyed? Money, they only care about money. Moon curled up into a ball on the floor hurt and sadness and hurt filling him, I'm at there mercy... I have no power. I am nothing to them.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now