Chapter 14 (Poor Olly)

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D-did it just talk? Well it's finally happening, I am going insane saw it coming with my past and well furbys now. The large cat tilted its head and meowed "your not going insane" I'm going insane for sure. Where'd this cat even come from? It's possible that it came from a zoo nearby, yeah that had to be it.

Or it was a hallucination. The cat began to lick itself in some swift movements, Blood did not put his claws in, he kept them out. "You wouldn't happen to know Sun and Moon would you?" asked the cat and Blood narrowed his eyes "why?" he asked suspiciously "jeez tense are you? You just need to know them, destiny kind of thing" this cat was telling me nothing.

"Yes I know them" It better not use that knowledge against me somehow, the large cat jumped to it's paws with excitement "that's good!" it cheered, then stretched "the names Olly btw" how did the cat know what btw is? Okay you know what, that doesn't matter.  "I'm a ocelot" said the cat "I just escaped from the zoo" Olly growled.

"They're so cruel... we won't go into details" Blood frowned, cruel how? How can a zoo be cruel? "What zoo did you go too?" asked Blood curious, I can't believe I'm having a conversation with an animal, and not a one sided one. Olly frowned and shrugged in what seemed to be a wild cat equivalent to a shrug.

"Some around the name Pine Tree Zoo or sort" ooh, that zoo. That zoo was known for not taking very good care of their animals, it also the one that is easiest to escape. Blood should know, one time humans somehow mistaked me for a animal, I mean I at the time acted like an animal, but seriously that was really dumb.

That time was before I grew intelligence and became more sentient, it was when Lunar was still alive... anyway they left their doors open all night and I just managed to escape. "Okay" Blood said, "so you're a talking ocelot named Olly who escaped from the zoo" and Olly purred "ding ding" Olly layed down. 

Blood growled "I came her to relax and watch the sunset, not find out talking ocelots exist" Olly let an amused "mrrru" and Blood sighs, "why can't I ever think in peace? I mean something always happens" I should go back and charge, I have a lot of magic training tomorrow" Olly got to her feet and Blood began to climb down the oak tree.

He heard Olly climbing down swiftly, it made him nervous to have a wildcat right behind him. Normally that would mean bad news, a lost limb or two. Olly seemed to be nice though when she followed behind, her paws not making a sound as they hit the ground. Olly seemed at ease as Blood opened the Pizzeria door, in fact she just hopped right in like she owned the place.

Blood sighed, 'Sun come here, I need your help with something' 'on my way give me a sec' Blood leaned against a wall and Olly made herself comfy, sure she was cute but she could easily tear me apart if she wanted to. "Woah! Gruesome thoughts, of course I could! I won't though because we were bonded together, were inseparable just a Moon is too Crystal and Sun is to the rats..." Blood frowned. 

"Wait how do you know that?" Olly froze and chuckled the cat equivalent of a chuckle "lets just say were all in this together" Blood scoffed at that, why is this cat so vague to me?! Olly replied "cause I like being a menace, deal with it" Sun came running Shadow on his shoulder, "what is it?" he asked and Shadow said "BLOOD'S BONDED! About time, he took longer then he should have" Blood could understand Shadow and it was freaking him out.

Sun gasped Olly, who looked like a self absorbed princess mind you. "Hey!" Olly hissed swiping a claw at me, it was more a threat than anything. Sun jumped up and down with excitement, and Blood looked to the side "yay" he said, he was feeling the opposite of excitement right now. 

Sun sighed "I understand it may be weird right now, but you'll grow close quickly" Sun gave Shadow a little scratch on the chin and Shadow started to boggle, very weird thing that rats do when there happy. "Where were you anyway, I've been looking for an hour" Blood smiled "oh I was just watching the sunset" Sun gasped "really! I've always wanted to see that!" Blood smirked.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll show you!" Sun was shaking with excitement, Blood smiled happy to see him happy. "I'm glad you finally bonded!" Shadow said standing on his hind legs and looking around, Shadow began to clean himself with a couple of licks. 


It hurt a little to know that the person she was forced to bond with wanted nothing to with her, Olly was acting strong but it hurt her so bad. Blood will accept me! He will soon, I can be a pain sure but we'll grow to like each other. It's only been and hour that's it, that's it. 

Olly's tail flicked as he watched Moon tinker on something, a fly buzzed by and Moon smashed it with a hand and continued on. Moon and Crystal were close, but that's fine me and Blood have only been bonded for a hour, they've been bonded for month.


Only an hour...

An single hour...

That hour felt like year...

I need love, I'm so touch starved...

That zoo was nothing but pain...


Please Blood I need you...

I need you so much...


huh, I hope Olly is okay

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now