Chapter 10 (Oh man)

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"Woah" said Blood looking around the small room they had been forced into while the Daycare was being redone, Sun agreed. It was messy, it had Crystal's aquarium in one corner and his rats bed in the other. Milky looked up blinking at him, "I wonder how the new daycare will look" said Moon sitting on a broken couch in need of replacing, "I hope it's huge" said Blood making a light show above.

He did it so deftly that Sun felt pride swell in his chest, "yeah! What if it's huge, and we have our own rooms!" Sun was jumping up and down with excitement Moon grinned and punched my shoulder, "you know it's weird this room wasn't on the map" Sun smirked " What are you superstitious?" he asked, Moon snorted "heck no" Sun frowned "well I've met many ghost in my life time" Blood gasped.

"Really!" he said "yeah" said Sun, Moon rolled his eyes "baloney" Sun smirked "yeah yeah, well it's true" he had met many ghosts in his lifetime, about ten, won't say how though. Blood sighed "I don't think I'm ever going to see ghosts in my life" sighed Blood, already met ten. "Yeah" said Sun.

"Is it a good time to show you my latest dimensional chips?" asked Sun and Moon turned and grinned "what are you planning to go to another dimension and almost get us killed?" Sun smirked "for sure" Blood cheered "I'm in!" Sun smirked "okay, it's time to use dimensional chips irresponsibly" 'YEAH!!' "give me your hands I need to attach them real quick, there like magnets. Very strong magnets" Sun attached them and set the coordinates for a random dimension.

"Alright! Time to almost die" Moon and Blood cheered, dang we are one of a kind aren't we. Sun set his coordinates and off we went, Sun looked around and, "what?" Blood said looking around "are we in a little kids room?" said Blood, "weird" Moon said, Sun checked his calendar and saw the date "ohh it's almost christmas" (any tattletail fans out there >:D) "Oh" said Moon.

"We should explore" cheered Blood Sun shrugged and off they went, we entered a living room with a bright christmas tree and looked down a dark basement, "should we?" asked Sun, Moon looked down at it "we don't have a light..." Sun and Blood made fire in our palm, Moon frowned "oh right magic" Sun walked down the steps carefully, they were a little small for his feet. 

We separated and explored around the large basement, Sun was looking at a desk when Blood suddenly yelled "OOOOHH A PRESENT!" Sun ran him and looked at the white and red present in front of him, "lets open it and see what it is" said Blood, "I don't think that's a good idea..." 'err, i'm being forced to open it' Blood reached for the present and opened it.

"Blood I wasn't built yesterday" frowned Sun but Blood's eyes were filled with panic, 'I wouldn't lie about something like this it's forcing me to do it!' flip, Sun tried to take the present away from him but he couldn't touch it it was like there was a barrier around it. Sun began to panic but when Blood finished unwrapping the present and taking the purple furby thing out he let out a sigh of relief "I can move my arms!" Sun was concerned.

That was weird, "playtime for me!" shrieked the furby loudly, Blood winced "what was that!" cried Moon and walked over to see a shaken Blood and a weird furby "uhh is that a furby?" he asked and Blood shuddered "lets leave there something wrong with this dimension" Sun nodded, we all tried to leave.

It didn't work, Sun panicked "run a diagnostics on the dimensional chips" he hissed and the computer in his arm replied "working order 100% but the dimension is blocking it from working, it seems this one wants you to follow along and play" the word play sent a shudder down Sun's metal spine.

"Well this is bad"  he said, "I've never heard of a dimension like this" then Moon asked the million dollar question, "what does it want us to play" and Blood said with hope in his voice "maybe we just have to play with the furby for a while" Moon sighed, Sun noticed the look of nervousness in Blood's eyes as he eyed the furby nervously. 

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora