Chapter 17 (CHICA AGAIN!)

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It was the rainy season, the season that rains like 24/7 and it's getting hard to feed the SCP's, that's fine though. It was mid day when Sun and blood crept through the back door and made their way to the abandoned factory, it was a dark day. The clouds covered the sun and Sun missed it. 

We took the usual turns down the alley ways, we jumped over walls and broke into many abandoned houses to make our way there. Sun's pants were muddy by the time he made it to the factory, he opened the huge doors and walked inside. He looked around nervously, "Blood, you feel like someone's watching us?" he asked nervously Blood's head snapped towards the faintest sound and he dragged out a very confused and angry animatronic.

"CHICA!" shrieked Sun, he could recognize her anywhere and he was angry. "I can't believe Olly didn't hear her" hissed Blood and Olly shook her coat dry. Olly was supposed to be a secret too! Oh this was bad! "The rain was in my ears!" complained Olly "it's hard to hear when you have rain in your ears!" Blood growled in frustration at Chica.

Chica stared at him, Sun glared "WHY DID YOU FOLLOW US!" he yelled, the other SCP's hid away from the intruder and thankfully Chica didn't seem to have seen any of them hide. Chica flinched "you explain to me why you're sneaking off all the time!" she yelled "and why are you in here of all places!" Sun glared and Blood hissed "that is for us to know and for you not to know" Chica glared with anger in her purple eyes.

"Why are you going out in the rain!" she hissed and Sun was shaking with anger, "listen Chica why did you follow us?" he asked trying to keep calm, he was panicking that Chica would find out, Chica scoffs "because I saw you going out everyday and I was curious and tiny bit concerned because your going out in the rain!" she growled.

Blood sighs "we can take of ourselves" and Chica sighed "yes you can, but you can't go out sneaking around or you're going to get in trouble..." Blood then laughed "oh I'm already running from the government" 'don't tell her!' 'chill' "HOW!" shrieked Chica and Bloodmoon shrugs "that's not important" Chica glared.

"I think I deserve to know why" she growled, Blood scoffs "what makes you..." and Chica hissed "I'll come back, you move whatever this is but I'll follow you I've done it once I can do it again" Olly hissed "that only because I had water in my ears!" Sun knew Chica couldn't understand Olly to her it was just a hiss.

"Can you at least tell me why there is an ocelot here!" she cried staring at Olly with a spark of terror in her purple eyes. 'Do we tell or lie?' Bloodmoon shrugs 'something tells me she's going to find out anyway' Chica looked between us confused "err, why do you look like you're having a conversation that I can't hear-" "not important!" said Blood a little too quickly.

Sun sighs, Shadow climbs onto his shoulder along with Milky and sniffs the air. Chica shrieked "RATS!" Sun smirked "my exact reaction to meeting them for the first time" he was amused by her reaction. Chica glared "what's going on? Are you going to tell me?" Sun frowned 'how the heck do we explain this?' Bloodmoon sighs in response 'don't know' "Soooooooo" Sun said.

Chica raised her eyebrows waiting for a response "err, this is Shadow" he said pointing "and this is Milky" Chica frowned "you gave them names-" Sun frowned "not really, they already had names" Chica's eyes filled with confusion "what did they tell you? What no that's stupid..." Sun did a thumbs up "they told me" Chica looked at me like I went insane.

That was probably the most appropriate response to hearing this "no it didn't" she said "nah it did" said Blood "this is Olly" he said pointed at the ocelot, Chica looked like she was about to have a mental break down "suuurrree it talked to you" she said slowly "you two need to have your coding checked"  Sun sighs.

"I probably do, I haven't checked it for a while" but Blood said quickly "were working fine though!" Chica glared "suuurreee" Olly meowed "gosh" "I know" growled Bloodmoon in reply. Chica looked freaked out "well, err" Sun sighed "I really unprepared for this" dang this just gets more and more awkward.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now