Chapter 11(MAMA)

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We were still in the evil dimension, the stupid thing. Sun and the other awoke, Sun rubbed his eyes. He heard something, a kind of grinding sound. It sent shudders down his spine, "what is that" asked Blood in a shallow voice, Moon grabbed the flashlight and shook it shining the bright light down the hallway.

Sun and Blood put the fire in their palms and they made their way down the hall nervously, ready to run away at any time. We looked around and found the grinding noise it was coming from a room, Sun didn't want to knock. He was forced to though, it was like the dimension was controlling him. It was an awful feeling. 

He knocked and the grinding continued, "why'd you do that" hissed Moon and Blood shook his head "he was forced to" Moon frowned "what are you talking about?" the shadow reached for us as we moved the lights around. "You'll see" said Blood and we followed the grinding noise again, we have to get out of this dimension! There was something seriously wrong with it. 

We looked down the basement stairs with a feeling of dread building up in them. Why? Sun forced himself to go down the stairs and the grinding grew louder, Sun dreading what he was going to see he looked and wait.

Sun frowned and looked at the small colorful eggs on the ground, the grinding was louder now almost deafening. Sun picked up the egg and opened it, and inside was "is that doll hair?" Moon looked over my shoulder "the bolt?" Sun dropped the egg and opened the other, and went to the other.

Sun opened it, there was a small brown dead beetle inside.  'Neat' Blood said, "ew" Moon said but Sun looked at it "this is actually pretty cool" said Sun examining it, Blood joined in. Moon slapped the beetle out of my hands "you weird lets just keep going" Sun glared at him and opened the other egg.

He realized they were a line, a path, and stopped. A path leading straight for the grinding sound, "it's a trap" said Sun, "it's a path see"  Moon sighed "the dimension wants us to do it, we might as well follow or else we might be stuck here forever" Sun took a deep breath and opened the other egg, a broken red crayon.

Sun tossed it aside and opened the other, "oooooohhh!" said Blood staring at the the single diamond earing, "cool" Sun shrugged and tossed it aside and opened the other one, Blood gasped offended "really" he cried and Sun shushed him "oh shush you big baby" Sun look inside and dropped in disgust.

"Yuck" he said and Blood frowned "what was it?" he asked and Sun shuddered "you don't want to know" he looked and saw, Sun jumped out of his shell. "What. is. that!" Moon and Blood turn and saw the giant brown furby.

It was the source of the grinding noise, "nope!" said Sun turning around but Moon grabbed his hand, "we have to look at it, look there's a tape" Sun's eye twitched and he ran over and it stopped grinding he grabbed the tape and the giant furby sprung to life.

It's head turned in a full circle as music started to play, Sun ran away from it clutching the tape, "the children thought Mama would never find them as long as she couldn't see them" said the giant horrible furby, Sun has never been more scared of furbys in my life. "The pitter patter of their little feet led Mama right to them, turn the page. Mama found the children every last one and put them right. to. bed" the music died down.

Sun's rays were all the way in as he stared at the giant furby, "Mama sounds like bad news" said Blood staring at it, Sun turned and said "nope" he stomped away and walked up the stairs and Sun heard giggles, "nope nope nope nope!" Sun ran to the room and shut the door and noticed the others didn't follow. Whatever I'm not going out.


Blood watched Sun run off and sighed, he was freaking out for sure. Blood was too, he grabbed TattleTail from under the christmas tree, he checked the task.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin