Chapter 25 (Analog Horror)

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"Hey Monty" said Chica waving and Monty waved back nervously "hi..." he said and Chica rolled her eyes eating her pizza "give me a second" she said and Monty opened his mouth and Chica said before he could say anything "I have stuff to do" Monty raised an eyebrow "what could be that important?" he asked curiously and Chica shrugged "that's for you to never know" she said eating the cheese pizza. 

"See ya" she waved and walked off and Monty grabbed her arm "listen Chica I'm starting to worry" he said, he did look worried. Chica sighed, the SCP's really need to be fed... "What is it?" she asked, also Sun and Blood said they might have a sand battle. Monty sighed "you've been walking around and not telling us anything" he said.

Chica frowned "so? Not everything is your business" Monty nodded "I know I know, I'm just worried that your going with Sun and Blood, legit the most insane people alive" Chica sighed at that "there not so bad" she chewed her pizza "there the best once you get to know them" Monty sighed "I doubt that-" and Chica hissed "I will not hesitate to punch you" Monty put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay okay" he said and Chica rolled her eyes, "now if you excuse me I'm going to watch analog horror now" she said and Monty eyes widened "you watch that stuff!" he cried and Chica nodded "yeah, I'm in the middle of Gemini Home Entertainment" Chica was chewing her pizza. Monty looked surprised "no offense Chica but you don't take me as the kind of person who would watch horror" said Monty and Chica chuckled at that.

"Yeah" she said "but horror is awesome" she sighed "now bye" she waved taking her computer and walked off, she snuck out the exit and crept in the shadows, making sure Monty didn't follow her. She opened the giant factory doors and Skull looked over and Jacky jumped on Chica happily "hi little guy" she smiled "and hello big guy" and Skull said "missed you" Chica chuckled "I know you did" she sat down spawning meat and veggies, one of the spells Sun taught her, and sat down.

Chica opened her computer "okay" she said "time to watch analog horror-" at that Jacky grew all excited and Skull looked over, Skull curled around Chica "you two like analog horror?" asked Chica and Skull nodded "one of my favorite horror styles" Chica smiled happily "finally" she said "everyone I've met, aside from Blood and Sun, hates horror" Chica said.

Skull chuckled "yeah," and Chica flipped through her favorite analog series "which one do ya'll wanna watch?" she asked and Olivia came curling next to Chica to watch the analog to, "hmmm, ooh!" said Skull "I love the Smile Tapes!" Chica grinned "a SCP of culture I see" Jacky pointed at Smile Tapes, "three votes-" and Olivia said "make it four, I've been wanting to see that one... I didn't get to watch this often in the foundation" Chica nodded in understanding.

"Well lets watch it-" said Chica and Sun and Blood came in "hi!" she waved and Sun and Blood waved "hi!" he cheered and Chica cried "I'm watching analog horror, wanna watch it to?" Blood and Sun cheered and Chica is being crushed by many many SCP's, she didn't care it was getting cold. 

Sun and Blood jumped on Skull to watch "is that everyone who wants to watch?" cried Chica and when no one else came over she turned it on and put it on full screen. "Woo Smile Tapes!" cheered Chica and Sun and many other SCP's cheered, I am surrounded by my people! Chica felt like she belonged more than she ever did before, Olly jumped on Blood and Shadow peeked over curiously. 

(five minutes later)

"NO YOU FOOL!" cried Chica "you walked towards the laughter!" Sun was leaning close "you know he deserved to die" Blood and Chica nodded "yeah, I mean come on. Curiosity took over and boom dead" Chica said Blood sighed leaning closer and Shadow's screaming in anger "HE'S A FOOL!" and Chica smirked.

Man, this made watching analog even more fun then before! "Watcha watching?" asked Moon appearing out of nowhere "oh so look who finally decided to show up" chuckled Skull "haven't seen you since we first met" and Moon sighed "yeah your still terrifying" Skull chuckled "I know, anyway were watching analog horror" Moon frowned "really? Why not a nice movie?" and Chica laughed "we seek the thrill!" she pumped the air, Moon frowned "I'll never understand that" Sun chuckled.

"Yeah" he said and Blood yelled "YES! BURN!" Moon frowned and horrifying smiling melting face appeared on the screen "yeah this is not my liking" he sighed and he stared at the huge group of SCP's watching it and Chica grinned "yeah, understood. Horror is not for everyone"  Chica is being crushed slowly. 

Jacky yells in fright and makes rabbit laughing sounds as if to say, ha! That got me! Chica scratched him behind the ear, Moon sighed "yep never will understand" Sun elbowed Moon "what are you doing here anyway?" and Moon shrugged "I don't know really, I guessed you were here" Sun frowned "ookkaayy" he said confused and Moon shrugged.

Crystal peaked from under the cap, "awww Crystal's so cute" cried Chica and Crystal blinked and waved a webbed hand, Chica felt like she was going to melt, she loved animals. So so so cute, she thought. Crystal croaked something and Moon frowned and put Crystal on Olly to watch the analog. 

"Awww a analog horror loving frog to!" Chica would never get over how cute Crystal was, the white moon shape on its chest made it even cuter. A scream came from the computer and Crystal croaked and Sun replied "yeah he deserved it" Chica was used to the seemingly one sided conversations.

Jacky was eating wood, "you two look tired" said Chica pointing at Sun and Blood and Sun sighed "me and Blood stayed up all night watching Avatar" Chica chuckled "I did that a week ago, it was so worth it" Blood nodded in agreement "it was very good" Blood grinned "I loved it" Chica grinned and Jacky thumped his foot happily.

"It was great" said Blood and Sun elbowed him, "it was for sure" he said and Chica smiled, Blood and Sun had a good relationship. Moon sighed and leaned on a wall, Chica ignored him and continued watching the analog horror happily.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now