Chapter 20 (Eclipse is Around)

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mentions of blood


Moon held his sword close to as he sharpened it, it was dear to him. It was all he had left of his past, he saw Blood and Sun walk in. They had a burned look to them and they had soot on their clothes and  bodies, they laughed and elbowed each other. Oh dear, Moon could guess what they had done.

"Did you two burn down a building?" he asked, this was quite normal and Sun did a thumbs up. Moon sighed "you are going to get yourself in trouble-" and Blood cheered "the cops tried to get us!" he pumped the air and Sun laughed, Moon was not amused. "Ha ha" he said unhappily, Sun did the floss and Blood joined in.

I live with psychos, Moon sighed and went back to sharpening his sword "did you hear the cops yelling as we teleported!" laughed Blood he did a fire show above of confused cops, impressive but concerning. Moon couldn't wait for the new daycare, Sun laughed "for sure, they thought we were dangerous" and Blood snorted "Sun we are dangerous" and Sun smirked "good point"  Moon did not like this conversation. 

Moon tried to ignore them the best he could, but they were getting louder and louder, then Olly and Shadow joined in. Crystal was silent, Olly laughed loudly "they were not expecting an ocelot to attack them" Olly licked blood off her claws, Shadow chirped happily "I spooked the heck out of them!" and of course the animal bonds are insane too. 

Olly climbed onto the roof and sat on the support beams of the small room we were in, Moon was getting more and more irritated as the seconds ticked by. Olly spoke "cops are dumb" and Blood chuckled and Sun said "for sure" Moon froze, ever since Blood came around Sun has been like this.

Moon sighed, Shadow chirped "Sun can you make me a mini knife to stab people with" Moon frowned and Sun smirked "I'm proud" Milky walked in saw the soot covered robots and animals and turned and left, Sun spawned a tiny knife and Shadow held it "wonderful" he said, why do I have to be with lunatics? Blood poked Sun and Chica kicked down the door "whats up homies!" Sun used magic to fix it.

"Hi!" he said cheerfully and Chica smirked "burned a building?" and Sun laughed "for sure" Moon watched her curiously, he thought Sun and Blood hated Chica. What did I miss? Chica stretched "you feed the SCP's?" she asked and Sun nodded "yep, and we had some fun" oohh, Chica knows about the SCP's, Okay then. 

Chica stretched and waved at Moon, Moon waved back. "How was it?" asked Chica and Moon watched, Chica didn't seem like the kind of person that would be calm about this kind of stuff. Blood pumped the air "It was awesome, cops everywhere! They circled us and me and Sun were like no way! We teleported and they were flabbergasted!" much to Moon's surprise Chica smirked amused.

"Sounds fun, tell me next time you do that" Chica said and Moon just stared surprised. "Sure thing" said Sun cheerfully and Blood just danced, figures. 


He was silent when he watched Sun and Bloodmoon walk inside from outside, he saw they had soot all over them and their clothes were a little burned. Bloodmoon laughed "did you see their faces when we dropped the match!" Sun smirked "for sure!" there both insane, then Bloodmoon pumped the air with his fist.

Eclipse didn't make any move towards the two, that would mean certain death. Eclipse realized that he was more nervous about Sun then he was Bloodmoon, he didn't think that would happen.

Before Sun seemed completely weak, in the beginning he seemed like he wouldn't hurt a fly. Eclipse was wrong, he learned that the hard way. The awful feeling of not being able to move his body, the feeling of the hammer hitting his head. That was traumatic for sure, Eclipse shuddered. He remembered the panic when his gears and valves stopped moving, and when they'd move without Eclipse's want.

He knew it had only been a couple of seconds, but it seemed like hours. He felt like a prisoner in his own body, he never thought that would ever happen. He didn't want that to happen again, that had been magic. He was nervous of Sun because he knew magic, Bloodmoon didn't know magic so he was less powerful then Sun.

Sun and Bloodmoon seemed to be best buddies and they elbowed each other playfully talking about who knows what. One thing for sure, Eclipse was not going to attack Sun, he wasn't going to attack Bloodmoon. He was going to be careful, that experience of being trapped... It made me a coward, but that fine.

Eclipse watched, Sun doesn't know I'm here so it's okay. He watched the two crazy robots walk off talking about robots, Monty watched eyes narrowed it was clear he didn't like the two. Eclipse followed them silently and watched as Chica kicked down the door and Sun used magic to fix it, the door was closed and everything was too muffled to hear what they were saying.

Eclipse sighed softly and turned away from the door and went on his way silently. LIKE A NINJA!

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now