Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

I figured the best way to deal with this would be with sniper fire. I kill Walker and the rest will scatter like ants. The bullheads would have a hard time tracking me as well if I stayed concealed. All I needed to do was find a vantage point with some good cover. I grabbed my gear and got to work. I needed to get a head start on this before the radio starts sounding. Its been too quiet recently. Something is coming, and this might just be it...


9:22 PM

317 Days to the Fall

Red Hood Pov

I had arrived at the SDC dock. The night prior was interesting. Torchwick gave me a last minute warning that he was pulling a Dust robbery not far from my hideout. I was about to go in shooting when he called. Cinder hadn't been to happy with him and strong-armed him into the robbery. Still though, a little heads up would have been nice. 

Junior had pulled a little more information on Walker for me. Apparently Walker had been a victim of the Jacques' business practices. He was a name I wanted to cross of too but Weiss and I already had enough going on without me shooting her dad. Speaking of Weiss, she messaged me because Blake ran off. She warned me that she was White Fang too. I already knew that obviously, but she specified to let her know if I saw her. I had a feeling that I would be seeing her tonight. 

I grabbed Black and White, merging them into the rifle. I took aim and started scanning for movement. Last thing I needed was a civilian getting caught up in this mess. Luckily there was none. Looked like it would be a easy Sunday night.

I heard movement behind me and swung my rifle around to take aim. There stood Blake looking like a deer in headlights. I lowered my rifle and just scoffed. It would figure that she would show up here in my spot. 

Red Hood: What are you doing here, Blake?

Blake: Proving that the White Fang isn't responsible for the Dust robberies.

Red Hood: ...And if they are?

Blake: Their not!

She looked almost desperate to prove their innocence. Hate to break it to her, but they are apart of it. I just continued scanning with my rifle. I hadn't heard her move since she got here. Without looking, I waved her over.

Red Hood: Get down before you give me away.

Blake didn't say anything. She just crouched down next to me. For a few minutes after, we didn't speak. It was fine, I wanted to concentrate. The silence must have actually started getting to her. I figured that she would be someone who preferred silence. 

Blake: Why do you do it?

Red Hood: Why do you do it?

Blake: W-what?

Red Hood: Why were you White Fang? Why did you leave them and enroll in Beacon? Why are you here? ....Why did you run from your team?

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