she said then she stopped walking so i stopped too.

Shes looking at the park. And my eyes immediately shift to where shes looking at .. And there.

Freem and that girl. On the swing. Smiling at each other and.. . ..

holding each others hand.

And then..

" Waah! Really? I love you P'Nam!!" Freen shouted.

" I Love You too Waifey!!" that P'Nam Replied.

" Ah.. ouch Becky?"

Thats when i realized that i clutched Rosé shoulder so tight.

" S-Sorry" i said with out looking at her.

" B-becky.. Are you o-- "

" maybe we should go back. " i said then started  to walk fast. And Rosé just followed silently.


Freen's Pov

Im so happy! P'Nam is back! hihi

But she's so mean. she's back for about 2 months now but she didnt tell me..

" P'Nam! Why didnt you tell me that youre already back?"

she smiled at me and began swinging herself, still holding my hands.

i pouted.

" Haha i miss that waifey. i just want to surprise you and well.. ive been busy, transferring from there to my last school and transferring again HERE. "

my eyes went wide.

" You... you'll study here? at my school?"

i cant stop my self from grinning me and my best friend together again?

" Yup! so stop pouting. Ok! haha" then we started to laugh.

" I really  missed you P'Nam!"

" I know. That's why i kept on nagging my parents to stay here for good. "

" Waah! Really? I love you P'Nam!"
i shouted. Im so happy shes back.

" I Love You too Waifey!!" She screamed it as her reply.

Then we begin to laugh again.

" Freen, you still have that?"

i looked at her. Then she pointed at my neck.

" Aaah.. This? "

Then showed her the necklace.

I just nodded. But i dont want to talk about it right now so i tried to changed the topic.

" So.. Where are you staying?"

" Hmm? Actually i tried to inquire in your dorm."

" Really?? Thats great!" But she pouted.

" Whats wrong?"

" Well sad to say.. Theres no more available room. "

" Aaaww! But thats ok. You can visit me anytime. Or i' ll visit you! And we're in the same school now! " i said cheerfully.

My whole day was great.

I toured her around our school. Then eat lunch together. Her treat! Then we went to her dorm. Its not that far. One bus ride. 
Then she told me about something that i really didnt expect.

She and P'Mind! They are dating!

She said they met at the bus stop 3 weeks ago. And poof!

Love at first sight she said. Well.. She looks so happy so I'm happy for her too.

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