Then she pouted. She's really cute when she do that.

" well.. Because its really fun. And.. Also.. I don't like seeing you so serious. You look so scary . "

I laughed hard. Really . When she's with her serious look. I'm having goosebumps!

" Tsk! You're so mean! I think i now regret being your bestfriend. Hmmff!" Rosé said then crossed her arms.

" haha but i know you don't. Right?"

I said confidently.

" yeah right. Owh so.. Where have you been? I didn't see you the whole day" now she looked at me.

" Owwh.. You missed me already haha ?"
I said while laughing to tease her but when i saw her expression . I immediately stopped. 

" What happened to you're face?!!"

She shouted.

I looked away.

" who did that you ???!!"

She shouted again.

" Hey, Rosé.. Lower your voice. Irin might hear you .. "

I said giving her a silent sign.

She's now glaring at me. Waiting for my answer.

" Errr...."

Should i tell her i fought those girls earlier because i got pissed off when P'Freen received her call?

That's so low. But.. I got jealous! What can i do??

" what?"

She said impatiently.

" i plunked  " i lied.

then i heard her sigh.

Sorry Rosé.

" you know that i know youre lying right?"

I looked away again. She really knew me. 

" if you don't want to tell me who and why.. OK. I wont force you. But please? Don't fight and hurt your self again. OK?"

" Ka.. Mian Rosé" she then hugged me tight.

" don't let Irin see that wound or youre dead. "

" Ka, I know. "

"Yes I'm really dead if Irin saw this. She became over protective to me! And She told me this morning not to fight but i did. She'll scold me forever! "

" have you eaten?" Rosé suddenly asked while she shook her head with disbelief.

That's when i heard my stomach growl.. I heard her sigh again.

I just gave my super bright smile and my puppy eyes.

" aaiishh.. Such a kid! Come on lets eat my treat!"

She then rouse from her sit.

" Yey! That's why i love you Rosé!"

Then i jumped and rode her back. And we both laugh as we walk out of our dorm.


Freen's Pov

I cant help but to smile as i see those two.

Even tho their totally opposite they manage to understand each other.

I can see how strong their friendship is. 

I walked back to our room.

Then sat on the sofa.

But where did Becky got those bruises and wounds?

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