"Let's go. My parents hate waiting, I can imagine that yours do too."

She chuckled and nodded her head, grabbing her suitcase.

We went down the stairs and when we reached the entrance where all the students were gathered to leave with their parents, I immediately spotted my parents and quickly recognized Enid's. I sighed and looked at her.

"I love you." I said with a smile.

"More than words, syllables and letters?" She questioned teasingly.

I chuckled. "More than there are stars in the sky."

She grinned and fiddled with her fingers then gave me a smirk. "More than the sun loves the moon?"

I flashed her a smile. "Beyond that."

She couldn't contain her joy as she hugged me one last time and walked towards her parents. I watched her get in the car with them as her father took her bags from her.

I made my way towards my parents. They were smiling at me for the first time since Elliot's death. I cracked a small smile back. I was still not used to them being so affectionate and expressive of their love for me.

"That must've been Enid, right?" My father said with a knowing smile.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Um..."

My mother chuckled. "No need to lie. We saw the way you were both looking at each other."

I scoffed and handed Maurice my bags. "I'm spending the break in San Francisco. Enid has invited me. I'm leaving in 10 days."

Their jaws dropped. "But... We wouldn't have enough time to catch up with you!" My mom complained and my dad frowned.

I glared at them. "One more word and I'll reduce the days."


"9 days." I snapped with a smirk while getting in the car.

"Ezra!" My father called.

"8." I winked.

They clenched their jaws and just looked away. They sighed and both shrugged at the same time.

I got them wrapped around my little finger.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Enid.

Ezzie <3: Guess who's coming to San Francisco in 8 days?

Puppy: hey babyyyy

Puppy: didn't u say that ur coming in 10 days???

Ezzie <3: Change of plans! I actually can't stand my parents.

Puppy: the sooner the better anw my mom is already being an ass ugh

Ezzie <3: I hope I'll make it better pup.

Puppy: u always can

I closed my phone with a smile and plugged in my headphones. I sighed longingly. I wish I knew how eventful of a break it was going to be.

Until next time!


And that marks... The end of Less Dead.

Thank you all for all your constant support and words of encouragement.

The surprise I had regarding this book is... *drum roll* A SECOND BOOK!!!

It's going to be called More Alive and will be centered on the evolution of Ezra and Enid's relationship. There won't be murder or mystery or anything heavy. Just a lot of sex and cute fluffy shit (I wish I was kidding. I'm currently writing it and there's a very steamy sex scene just at the beginning of the book).

It will also MAINLY have Enid POVs more than Ezra's because this book's main focus is how she sees the relationship evolve whereas in Less Dead it was the opposite (Ezra's input).

Anyway, it's coming off great but I think I'll wait before I actually publish it maybe to let Less Dead reach more than 30k, maybe to give you room to read Less Dead from the beginning again and remember small details and moments that will be of great importance in More Alive. Nonetheless, I hope you'll enjoy More Alive when it will be published.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, I'm removing Galaxies Untold (my other story) from Wattpad until I feel more convinced with the plot and storyline.

I have started a new book. It's called "Demonic Love Mission". I dreamed about the story once and decided to write it the next day. it's coming off great and I believe my writing has really evolved since Less Dead.

It's kind of like, well, you could say a Teen Fiction with Mature content (cussing, mentions of sex, violence, etc...) that has a romantic comedy twist to it despite the book having mature themes such as mentions of mental illnesses.

Check it out if you feel like it, it would mean a lot.

Aaaaaaand that's a wrap on the long ass author note.

Have a great puppies :)

I love you immensely and thank you again! <3


Less Dead | Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now