Chapter 36 - Absolutely Smitten

Start from the beginning

You could read their minds as clearly. Almost as if you made up the words they said about you yourself. As you stumbled around in your drunken haze, you hadn't realized that you put those toxic words in their mouths for you.

'I shouldn't even be here. I'm too drunk for this. I need to hide-' Your mind continued to spew endless ramblings that dug even deeper holes until you came across a door that led to the back porch of the house. You could hear some chattering happening but above it all, there was a single voice that was loudly singing and cheering.

"CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!" the voice cheered, echoing his voice into the early winter air.

"Dude..." the other person groaned, pressing the palm of his hand into his eye. "It's fucking freezing out here. And you're being so loud."

You stepped out, feeling your senses finally clearing up ever so slightly. You found yourself smiling at the charade as the two juggled between staying out and singing or going inside to socialize.

You watched as the singer lazily draped his arm around the other, causing their bodies to slump down. "Oya, buuut!! It's the end of the semester! This party's so fucking BORING." His words melted together and you could tell that his emotions had a hard time holding back in the drunken state he was in.

You had to admit, the sight made you laugh.

At the sound of your giggle, the two men looked at you quizzically. Even their confused expressions didn't suppress your laugh. "That's a great ass song," you snorted, taking in another sip and bobbing to the music playing in your head. "There's a party goin' on right here~" you sang with a slur, shimmying your shoulders and stepping towards him.

His eyes widened in excitement and he slipped out of his friend's grip to start shimmying with you. He took his own turn with the verse, "A celebration to last throughout the years~" You tried to sing along until the both of you lost a sense of the words, until you swung back to the chorus to sing together, until you were both in a fit of giggles. "CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES, COME ON~!"

There was a groan from the third person standing on the porch with you. "You guys are fucking insane. I'm going in. If the cops come to my house to shut this party down because you're too loud, I'll never forgive your asses." You watched as he spun on his heel, slamming the screen door shut. At the sound of the door, you felt yourself jump. You slowly turned your head to look at the singer who was turning his head to look down at you. When you made eye contact, the laughter came back twice as loud as the singing.

He was wiping his tears as the laughter slowly became a pleased hum that bubbled with a silly giggle every once in a while. There wasn't anything inherently funny going on, but you found yourself following his infectious energy. He let out a pleased sigh, throwing his head back and looking to the sky. You looked up with him. With his head still thrown back he slightly angled his head to look at you. "So what are you celebrating?"

You shrugged. The brief moment of happiness made you feel alive again but when you tried to think of a single thing to be joyful about, nothing came to mind. "The end, maybe."

"Shit...that's deep."His lips pouted and his eyebrows raised to show that he was somewhat impressed by you despite your ineloquent statement. The alcohol seemed to make his face more malleable as his expressions over exaggerated themselves. You were thankful that he had some kind of reaction to your cryptic message, even if it was a shallow one at first. It was nice to feel that acknowledgement instead of the dismissive scoffs you were used to. Due to the lack of light, you couldn't fully see his face but there was something familiar about the gaze that he gave you. "But the end is just a new beginning, right? We could celebrate that."

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