Chapter 11: People Change, Everyone Change

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Yeona's POV 🦋

It's a sunny autumn morning, and I'm enjoying my first tea of the day as I look out my tiny office window. My morning has had a calm start however, my thoughts have been wandering to Taehyung, another set of horrible headlines was released overnight; I came across them as I scrolled my phone on the train ride in.

BH Remains Silent about V's Alleged Illegal Extracurricular Activities

Did V Have a Romantic Trist During Paris Trip?

V Remains Silent in Wake of Scandal. Does this Denote Guilt?

I wish I knew who was doing this to him or how I could possibly help. What has occurred to me is how important it is that he is never connected to me. If my shaky family and past were to be dug up, it would only pile on and hurt him further. The thought terrifies me because I just want him to be okay. I've never had a friend that has treated me so well, and if I'm being honest, he stole my heart the second we met. I had no choice; he just walked away with it without ever asking for permission.

"Knock, knock!" I hear interrupting my thoughts. I turn to find Eun-Ji and Namjoon in my doorway, which surprises me.

"Yeona, come have a chat with us! Let's take this down to a conference room..." she says as she looks around my little closet of an office, knowing there is barely enough room for two people, never mind the three of us.

"Umm, okay..." my voice betrays me as my tone is laced with panic.

"Oh, nothing is wrong! We have a business proposal for you!" Eun-Ji explains hurriedly when she hears the worry in my voice.

"Phew, thank goodness, I just about had a heart attack thinking I did something wrong even though I couldn't recall doing so," I chuckle as I run my hand over my chest, trying to release the tension as we walk to a conference room and settle in.

"First question, do you have an up-to-date passport?" Eun-Ji asks. I reply that I do. I had planned for some travel a few years back but never ended up taking my trip; my passport is still current.

"Great, because I've been thinking quite a bit about those artsy photos you took," Namjoon says.

"Oh," I say, startled by his admission. "Well, I didn't have a plan. It was all done on the fly; if I had more time to plan, it would have been so much better...." I start to explain. I know I could have made them a thousand times better if I had known ahead of time about the project.

"Well, even better then!" Namjoon says as he claps his hands together.

"Namjoon has a photo project coming that he has complete control over," Eun-Ji starts to explain.

"Yes, I'm working on a music project, and I want to produce a series of photos to pair with it. My team has booked time at a small museum that I really enjoy in Boston, Massachusetts. I wanted to know if we could bring you on as the photographer. I have permission to photograph a particular exhibit that is showing there by an artist I love, and I'd love it if you used your artistic eye and be my photographer...." he explains with such passion about the project that I am immediately taken with the idea.

Before I can think, the words are pouring out of my mouth, "Would you be able to let me know ahead of time who the artist is so I can research them? Because right off the bat, I'm thinking, what if we could make you look like you are part of the exhibition?"

"Oh!" Namjoon says half under his breath, and I can see him considering my idea. "You mean, like I'm"

"Yes, that's exactly where my brain went," I breathe out, the nerves firing all over my body.

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