He started to talk. "Look Mani I need you to keep an open mind when you hear this." I just need you to trust me or shit gonna get real, real quick. What I am about to say is the only option I have.

I was just staring into his eyes. I wanted to scratch them out. "Go ahead Rome get to it."

He continued. "I know you are mad and what I am about to say is gonna make you even madder." I started tapping my left foot at this point because I just knew it was about Brittany and whatever it was he had me fucked up.

Look bruh imma be real with you. "I talked to Brittany," he said.

I felt it, I felt the demon in me begin to take over. My feet began to tap faster. The anger was boiling up and it couldn't be contained.

"Bruh calm the fuck down," he said while freeing my hand. He continued to talk. Brittany can't go to jail Mani, I'm sorry. If she goes to jail over a decade-long friendship will end. If that friendship end Mani shit gone get crazy.

Before I could even realize it I swung. My fist connected with his mouth. I have never been so mad in my life.

"Bitch," he blurted making me jump a little.

                   His hand was holding his mouth and by the look on his face, you could tell he was shocked. He cocked his free arm back and swung. I felt my cheek starting to sting. This nigga slapped me and I was pissed. I started swinging and I didn't give a fuck if we ended up going to jail in the courtroom parking lot. He grabbed my hands and pinned me to the car. "Bitch, chill the fuck out before I treat you like a nigga out here." He let my hand go free then I swung again this time it connected with his eye. He wrapped his hand around my throat and started to squeeze. His grip around my throat got tighter and tighter. I tried saying I can't breathe but the darkness in his eye let me know that he had blacked out. This nigga gonna kill me in this parking lot was all I could think. I started tapping his arm as hard as I can. I was trying to let him know I tapped out but he wasn't stopping. I felt my body getting weaker and my eyes were starting to shut. Rome please was all I could think as the darkness was starting to take over me. This was it I was going to die. I tried clawing at his arm but I was too weak so it didn't even make a scratch. Tears started rolling down my eyes and my body was starting to feel numb.

                 My body dropped to the ground and I tried to catch every breath I could. I was feeling around my body just to make sure that I was still alive. I thought I was at the end but Rome released me. I looked up toward him from the ground and he was just looking. I heard the saying dead behind the eyes and I get it now because he looked lifeless behind the eyes. He leaned down towards me with the creepiest smile on his face. I won't lie I was terrified.

                  He was just gazing at me and then he finally spoke. "Mani, please don't ever in your life do no shit like that again." I was this close to doing something I wouldn't have been able to take back. "We can speak again when you calm down," he said. He started turning around to walk away.

"There's nothing to talk about." I mustered up. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned back around towards me. My heart was pounding a mile a minute. I was scared. "What," he said while inching close to me. I finally picked myself up off the ground. I took a couple of deep breaths. "Look Rome," I spoke up. I don't give a fuck about her and your family's friendship, I don't care. What she did to my son is unforgivable. If you thought it was going to go y'all way you should have just murdered me because I promise you it won't. You can hide that bitch but imma see her eventually and when I do just know imma dog walk that hoe. I turned around and hurriedly got into my car before his goofy ass could even reply. I drove off leaving him just standing there.

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