In the Moonlight

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Seokjin watched, silently, as the insect slowly crawled towards the oblivious warrior who was busy looking stoic with his legs folded under him and his hands planted firmly on his knees with his lips set in a tight line and his eyes open wide to catch any hint of danger. The thin, long blade lay next to him, shining under the tendrils of moonlight that bled through the sheer fabric of the white curtains over the window. With feigned nonchalance, Seokjin opened his fan and swayed it back and forth slowly, eyes still on the cockroach that was a few centimetres away from the warrior's ankle.

A high pitched shriek filled the lounge room as the cockroach cornered the warrior against the wall. Seokjin bit his lips hard behind the fan as he watched Taehyung flail his arms to scare the tiny insect away. The younger man's palm, that was previously on the floor, slipped and he fell on his back, his long hair spilling everywhere, and closed his eyes to accept his doom.

Seokjin sighed, eyes creased into cresent moons, and batted his fan towards the cockroach which crawled away in some other direction and disappeared from sight.

"Taehyung-sshi," Seokjin said softly, trying his best to suppress his laughter, "It's gone."

Taehyung cracked an eye open, followed by the other. He scanned the floor for a second before getting up on his knees, his belt coming undone, parting the upper garment to reveal his sun-kissed chest; Seokjin definitely did not peek at it.

"I apologize deeply, Prince," Taehyung spoke quickly with a deep bow, his features taut with embarrassment.

Seokjin pretended not to hear his apology and pulled the sides of the warrior's upper garment together.

"I am nobody to doubt your judgement, Prince..." Taehyung said as Seokjin fixed his clothes.

"...but I don't believe that I am the right person to protect you."

Seokjin kept his lips pursed until he was done tying the belt firmly around Taehyung's waist. He could sense the warrior growing tense as the silence stretched.

When he felt like another apology was going to follow, Seokjin parted his lips to exhale heavily.

"Kim Taehyung."

"Y-yes, Prince?" Taehyung sounded a little taken aback at his entire name being uttered with such firmness yet tender.

"Your capability lies in shielding me from foreign assassins. Not cockroach. This isn't the first time you have doubted yourself out loud in front of me," Seokjin did not raise his voice at all but put force into his words.

Do you even know how much it upsets me?

"I apologize again, Prince," Taehyung bowed his head once more, looking more miserable than before.

"Truthfully...," Seokjin spoke in a much hushed voice.

"...I just needed company."


"Did you really think your Prince is incapable of slitting the enemy's neck, Taehyung?" Seokjin narrowed his eyes playfully, amused to see Taehyung's eyes widening and visible panic smearing all over his face.

"No! No, ofcourse I don't think like that. I was saying that I wasn't fulfilling my duties properly. I didn't mean that my Pri- I mean, Prince."

"I apologize for my slip," Taehyung quickly added.

"Call me yours, I don't mind." A smirk followed because Seokjin felt proud to fluster one of the best warriors of the kingdom.

Taehyung was just one shade away from being a tomato at that point. He gulped hard and tried to settle his gaze somehwere, anywhere but the Prince who kept biting his bottom lip to stop smirking, unaware of the effect it had on Taehyung.

Call me yours, I don't mind.

Taehyung just blushed harder.


The voice itself made Taehyung's heart beat eratically. Mustering some courage, he looked at the Prince whose eyes had seemed to turn a shade darker.

"Dim the lamps, please," Seokjin commanded softly, a little eagerly.

All sorts of impure thoughts invaded Taehyung's mind and he mentally slapped himself. Before his imagination could venture any further, Taehyung got up and extinguish the lamps one by one. As every flame died, a new layer of darkness veiled the room.

Taehyung sat with his back against the wall when the last lamp dimmed out of life. The moonlight trickled down the window from the gap between the lightly swaying curtains and coursed towards where Taehyung was sitting. Suddenly, his vision was blocked with a dark figure that had moved infront of him. Soon, there was a weight on his lap and Taehyung's arms wound around the warm body without even thinking.

"You are going to get me executed," Taehyung murmured as he felt a pair of plush lips press against his neck. He gasped when Seokjin kissed againt a sensitive spot, and it made Seokjin part his lips to suck on the skin.

"I am going to get both of us executed."

Seokjin's breath tingled his skin. He pulled away to cup Taehyung's face, warmth from his palms seeping into Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung felt vulnerable under the fiery yet tender gaze, so he averted his eyes to Seokjin's lips which looked deliciously red and impossibly soft.

His lips moved.

"Call me yours," Seokjin whispered, almost pleaded.

"My- my Prince," Taehyung breathed out.

His lips curled upwards before dipping to meet Taehyung's.

And then they kissed, slowly, curiously. 

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