A Thousand Little Wishes

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Taehyung fidgeted with the hem of his uniform shirt as he tried to focus on his drawing but all he had managed was a tornado of colours that didn't even look good together. He picked up a purple crayon and attempted to draw a small flower but he lost patience and scribbled more on the page. Tears pricking his eyes, Taehyung blinked profusely and bowed his head so that his classmates wouldn't see him; well, nobody sat at the table at the corner of the room anyways aside from him and Jimin.

Taehyung sniffed and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his uniform. The recess bell sounded from down the corridor and all the students bursted into cheers, flinging their drawing and stationery into the air before running out of the classroom despite the teacher's protests. Miss Yun sighed when she realized there was no stopping the kids on Thursdays; Thursday was banana milk day at the cafeteria.

The little boy sat there alone, not really wanting to eat even though his stomach was grumbling. Miss Yun said something before leaving but Taehyung did not really catch it. He crumpled the paper in his tiny fist and decided he should get a cartoon of that divine banana milk atleast. He stumbled as he walked because his shoes were two size bigger than his feet. He was met with the usual scenario at the cafeteria on Thursdays, loud chattering and tiny heads fretting around to get their cartoon before they ran out of supply.

Seeing the long line, Taehyung felt discouraged and made his way to the almost deserted playground. He sat on one of the swings, the green one, and felt a lump in his throat when he looked at the empty yellow one. There was just a pair of boys on the other end of the playground under the shade of a tree, so Taehyung thought it was safe to cry.

His tears kept flowing down his cheeks and he was letting out choked sobs, his hands gripping onto the ropes on either side of the swing. Someone ran past him but he did not pay heed to it because he was too busy in his misery. He kicked the dirt, he wanted to scream.

Taehyung jumped when a hand suddenly landed on his shoulder from behind. He looked back with wide, alerted eyes and found himself nose to nose with the transfer student.

The transfer student, Jin, took one step back and stuck out an arm, shoving a white cartoon in front of Taehyung's surprised face.

"The last one," Jin mumbled with his eyes fixed on the ground, pink dusting his ears.

"And Yoonie's," Jin pulled out another cartoon of banana, which was already opened with a straw sticking out of the aluminium cover, from his satchel.

"And also Jinnie's," came out a third cartoon.

Taehyung blinked hard as he stared at the three cartoon placed next to him on the swing seat in a line and then back then Jin who had his hands behind his back and eyes stubbornly on his feet. After a few seconds, Jin raised his head to look at Taehyung with large, doe eyes.

"No sad please." And with that Jin ran to the other end of the playground where Yoongi, or Yoonie as everyone called him, was waiting under the tree.

Taehyung felt like crying even more.


"Taehyung-ah, your friend will be here in a minute!"

More like his mother's friend's kid. Taehyung ignored his mother's words and continued to fold the origami as fast as he could, flattening them and bending them before pulling out the wings carefully. He picked up another piece of origami paper and his hands began to work on muscle memory but he wasn't fast either becasue his fingers were too small and chubby.

"Taehyung-ah! Come greet you Auntie Hana!"

Taehyung's hands worked faster, folding and folding. He heard footsteps approach his bedroom and panic rose up his throat. The door opened and he pulled on the wings too fast, tearing the crane in half.

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