The Day of the Divorce

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Trigger Warning//Self-harm

The black spots infront of his eyes appeared again and the lump in his throat inflated even more as he looked at the papers sprawled across the table for the nth time that day. His blunt nails dug into the leather of the sofa and his knee kept bouncing as he waited for Taehyung to arrive.

Blinking away the tears, Seokjin went to open the door when the doorbell sounded. Inhaling a shaky breath, Seokjin pulled open the door and stood on the other side with his eyes fixated on the floor as the clacking of hard soles disappeared into the living room. Closing the door, Seokjin leaned his back against it and tried to digest the situation but everything seemed to be travelling up his throat, leaving him nauseous and dizzy and overwhelmed.

You're just hurting him more by prolonging it.

Seokjin regained his composure and with careful, calculated steps, he carried himself to the living room where Taehyung sat on the sofa as regally as ever in his grey suit with his brown hair parted neatly and his chocolate eyes staring at the divorce papers laid out infront of him. After a moment of hesistance, Seokjin sat down on the other end of the sofa, which really didn't create any sort of distance between them. But the silence surely did.

Seokjin's eyes followed Taehyung's hand as it reached for the uncapped pen, held it lightly, the tip hovering over the signature box. The pen dipped and Seokjin's eyes fluttered close, not daring to see his husband fade into just another closed chapter of his life.

A lone tear trickled down his cheek, followed by a second, which stopped midway because the soft pad of a thumb captured it. Warmth seeped into Seokjin's cheek as a palm cupped his face. Seokjin's eyes snapped open and he tried to make out Taehyung's expression through his tears.

"Don't do this to us, Seokjin-ah. To me, to yourself," Taehyung's voice threaded through Seokjin's heart slowly, sharply.

"Taehyung, sign the papers." Seokjin's voice cracked so he cleared his voice before saying more firmly, "Sign the papers, Taehyung."

"Do you really want me to?" Taehyung asked, his eyes searching Seokjin's desperately.

"You know, Taehyung, you know. You know very well that I keep hurting you, breaking you," Seokjin's emotions preceeded his determination to hold himself together as the scene of discovering three slim lines across Taehyung's forearm with blood dripping out of them as the younger lay passed out on the bathroom floor floated infront of his eyes.

"Taehyung, I can't-" Seokjin sobbed, "I can't see you like that. Please. Please, understand me."

Taehyung inched closer to Seokjin and tucked the older in his arms, resting his chin on his trembling shoulders, the shoulders he loved so much to lean on.

"If I have to throw away all those polaroids, all those gifts, all those memories- our- our wedding ring, do you think it would heal me? Seokjin-ah, tell me, would it heal me?" Taehyung spoke without a pause, his embrace growing tighter, but not suffocating.

"And if I just keep worsening your wounds?" Seokjin croaked against Taehyung's chest.

"Seokjin-ah, baby," Taehyung broke the embrace gently and cupped his husband's face again.

Seokjin realized, with his face being between Taehyung's large hands, that however the world viewed him, he would always be delicate and unguarded infront of his Teahyung.

"Don't you need healing too?" Taehyung whispered.

Seokjin crashed into Taehyung, and Taehyung caught him, as always, and connected their lips finally, after weeks of living separately. As their lips meshed against each other, it dawned over Seokjin that neither of them could get through this without gravitating back to each other again, and again, and again. It did not matter how many times they hurt one another because every time they fell apart, they would just build each other again, complete each other again.

When they parted, Seokjin rolled up Taehyung's sleeve and grazed his lips against the bulging, white marks. He knew Taehyung had hidden many other marks from him, and he wanted to kiss every single one of them, heal every single one of them.

And perhaps let Taehyung heal him too.

Epiphany || Taejin Oneshots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon