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I'm so done with feeling numb
Life's seeming pointless and dumb
Why even try anymore?
I'm going to die eventually anyway
All of it for nothing
School, relationships, friends, existing
Pointless and in the end it'll be for nothing

Maybe my dad's right
Maybe I should take a knife and end it
Slit my wrists and watch me bleed out 
Maybe I'll overdose like my mom
He always said I'm going to end up like her maybe he's right
Shred my skin like paper in a machine
Bleed just like a juicy tangerine
A liquid red carpet
Am I losing my mind
Feel like Im losing my fight
Giving up seems better than ever
And I might be its next attempter
Life is hell but thats nothing new
Losing friends, friends and housing
too but thats just to name a few
Im losing at this game of life
Will life ever just go right?
I think Im done fighting
Let the waves take me under
Fighting always fighting
Fighting, always trying
Trying trying trying
Always just Fighting fighting fighting

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