To my love

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Hey readers, so this is my first love poem, it's for a guy I've loved for over a year, we've been together a while and I plan to read this to him someday in person, my apologies if it doesn't flow perfectly and is a little cringy, I just let my feelings out and fixed it up a little, if you guys have any suggestions grammar wise don't hesitate to comment on it. Have an amazing day!

To the love of my life, thank you
You've shown me what freedom feels like,
Right in your arms where I belong
And I simply can't explain how much I love you
More than the stars in the night
More than the heat of a summer Sun's scorching light
You give the best snuggles
And you're absolutely adorable when you want cuddles
Arms out and grabby hands
With your cute little smile, you could drive me wild

Things haven't been the same since that day
For the first time in years I saw your face
I met you and everything clicked into place
You shivered and chuckled when I got concerned
God you're such a big turd
You still smell amazing even without a daily shower
I swear I could cuddle with you every hour and never tire
Your warm embrace with your calm and content face
My little bit of heaven I think I'll stay

I appreciate our differences, and I love confusing your brain
Fun random facts forcing you to think and ponder
Your thoughts are a mystery and I wonder
What it'd be like to travel through
Explore every memory within you
I know that isn't possible and that's okay because I'm happy with whatever you let me see
I can't wait to be along side you again
Hand in hand where nothing seems impossible
The perfect place of you and me
And I'll wait for the day to rub in your face
That I kept my promise to you
To never give up and never leave,
I hope you know you're all I need

Perfection in you is all I'll ever see
And that doesn't mean I ignore your flaws and see you how I want you to be
But that I accept every part of you, your good and bad, flaws and past
Every single part of you is beautifully perfect to me
Even your big ass thumbs and chipped teeth, bony ass hips pointing at me

I'll always be here when you need me,
Don't ever forget that hun
Through nightmares and daily struggles I'm here,
Whether physically or hours away
I'm here and I'll be the best I can be
I will make sure you eat and I'll worry like a busy bee
I'll send sweet paragraphs for your rough days and morning pains
Support you through the rainiest days
Make everything alright, I'm not leaving your side
I'm here for the ride, this story of you and I

I'm not really sure where or when my love for you began
Probably the time when you stood up for me against my boyfriend
Slow and gradual and I didn't notice it,
Not until it slammed into me with a force of the strongest winds
Surrounding me and filling my heart within
It took me a few weeks to admit I 'liked' you
If only you knew I was so in love I felt it rushing in my blood
This electric pleasant feeling I got when we talked
I still get it sometimes today, I feel more at peace though now
I know I'll marry you someday
The thought of being with you keeps me going
Just knowing that all this hell we've paid will be worth it one day
Only less than 6 more months and I can't wait
To move the hell out and get us a place
So hold tight my love,
I'll see you soon on a September day

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