18 II meet the families

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Chapter- 18


When they all arrived to the hotel Ridhima had to book an extra room for the extra guests. After that she called the boys and said they can now come.

Sunghoon POV

Ridhima called me and said they had arrived at the hotel with 2 extra guests ok.........WHAT!. Now this is too much pressure. All bad thoughts possible were filling my head. 'what if I didn't impress them' 'what if  they don't like me'.  I was walking back and forth nervous as heck but Jay came and said "Bro you need to take a chill pill everything will be alright" even though he said this I knew him from deep down and I knew he was also nervous so I did not say anything as if I might say something he would also think about the same. I replied " Ok fine then let's go". He nodded and we went to the garrage picked out the most expensive car I had and drove to the hotel.


When the boyz reached the hotel both of them were freaking about these 2 guests  who he got to know were the BIG BROTHERS. You guyz must be confused but yeah the elder brothers of the girls. Now they were officially so nervous they could pass out any time but luckily they got a hold of themselves and behaved as confident as ever. They rang the doorbell to the room of the parents. Ridhima opened the door whisper yelling "DO NOT SAY SOMETHING STUPID AND JUST REMAIN RELAK" both the boys nodded. They walked in and first saw Mrs. Kim she was estatic to see them and said "aww my handsome Son in laws. How are you two" Sunghoon replied with an ear to ear smile "We are great......mom" Sunghoon felt great that he got someone he could call MOM even though he didn't remember his clearly. He felt genuinely happy and appreciated the care. Till the time they all were talking Mrs Lee also came "Oh my god such handsome men both the girls have a great choice" the boys blushed hearing this. You must be wondering where is Lee Ridhima, she has gone to the brothers to say that they should not do anything stupid cause she knew how protective the both are one being Ridhima's elder brother and one being Y/n's. Ok back to the boys, they were recieving too much care and love but they both didn't complain all the joy did not last long as the brothers and Mr Kim had arrived. Sunghoon and Jay were again felling a bit nervous but the mothers calmed them down by patting there head while glaring at Mr Kim. He started his questioning.

"So pls tell me your names" - Mr Kim

"Hello sir myself Park Sunghoon the CEO of Park enterprises"

"Hello sir myself Park Jay the chief secretary of Park enterprises"

"So why do you like my daughters" Mr Kim asked while squinting hard at them "Sir I honestly like everything about Y/n" "I will say the same about Ridhima". Mr Kim said "What are your incomes" . "Well Sir I am the youngest male billionaire in the whole world" "And I am the youngest millionaire" (I know I went a bit over board but who cares). Mr Kim then said "If you ever break their hearts I will break you so keep that in mind. And now the ladies and I will step out and tell Ridhima she will call the brothers in this room they will have a better talk with these two. Sunghoon and Jay released a stressful sigh as everyone left the room and now they were more nervous. The brothers came in and thats when the tension in the room arised. They introduced themselves.

"Hello, my name is Kim Sunoo and I am Y/n's biological brother"

"Hello, my name is Lee Heeseung and I am Ridhima's biological brother"

What do you think happened after this.

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