8 II Little space

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It was around 4:00 am I heard rumbling outside, and it was the thing I feared, It was Thunderstorms .
I closed my eyes tightly and shut my ears. I twisted and turned towards Sunghoon and tried to relax.

Sunghoon POV

I was disturbed by Y/n tosing and turning. I turned towards her to ask her what's wrong but saw her rolled up into a ball looking as delacate as ever. I said with a gentle tone "Heyyy Y/n are you okay" she replied stuttering "N-no I-i-i am s-s-scared o-of Th-thunder" Without hesitation I pulled her towards me with one of my hands wrapped around her waist and one on the back of her head trying to make her feel secured. Tbh I was surprised by myself


When Sunghoon pulled me towards him I was honestly very shocked but didn't do anything as I felt safe and secure in his embrace when he comforted me with sweet words like "It's ok, I am here with you, It will pass, I will protect you" and also with small actions like patting my head making circles on my back. When I got comfortable and rested my head on his chest I realized he was SHIRTLESS
What?? Just as I was about to confront him still in my weak state a little figure busted in through the door ran towards us and jumped in between It was Aria she snugled into my arms saying "eomma I am scared of thunderstorms" My face was all sweaty all I could do was to stutter "A-a-ari e-e-eoma w-will p-p-p-protect y-you" Sunghoon understood how scared we both were and embraced us in the comfiest hug. After that I drifted away to dreamland. When I woke up it was 8:00am. Aria was still sleeping in my embrace, Suddenly flash backs of me and sunghoon cuddled together rushed to my head and blood rushed to my cheeks instantly.

( Time Skip)

3days later


It has been around 3 days they have been staying together and they have got like just a little bit close to each other but Sunghoon is still a bit cold to Y/n. Especially Jay and Ridhima Like they have become so close they spend literally each second with each other and today they took Aria with them.

Sunghoon POV

I had an important meeting so I had to head out but turns out I lost it It was not a super important deal but the man was being a d!ckhead. When I reached the mansion and greeted no one and slammed the door to my office room.


It was dinner time and I went to call Sunghoon for dinner I knocked on the door thrice but got no response so I went inside and said "Sunghoon dinner is ready" *no response* "Sunghoon you have to eat" *no response* "Sunghoo-" "Y/N CAN'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND I AM BUSY AND WHO ARE YOU TO COME INTO THE ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION" He said shouting at me, and I was hurt very hurt. "S-s-sorry S-sunhhoon" and I ran away from there.


Y/n ran from sunghoon's office to the shared bedroom, covered herself with a duevet and started sobing. She didn't want to talk to anyone as was going to slip into her little space soon.

Sunghoon POV

Shit!! I shouldn't have took out my anger on her. I should go and appologize. I went to our bedroom and saw her sobbing under the sheets I took off the duevet to see her sobbing "H-hey Y/n I am s-sorry" I said with the softest tone ever. She replied "Nwo daddy is bwad"

Huh what was this ??

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