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Y/n got a call she picked it up and said hello and a male voice responded Y/n and Ridhima looked at each other in confusion

On the call




Hello am I speaking to Ms.Y/n


Yes, you may continue


Ok I am secretary Park of Park Enterprises speaking this side .We have come to know that you are a Part time babysitter.


Yes, that is true, What about it

Mr Park

We wanted to have a deal with you


And what is the deal about

Mr Park

The deal is about you babysitting the daughter of Mr.Park

The CEO of Park Enterprises for 24hrs. And this will be

Conducted on the basis of a contract marriage


What?, this is complete nonsense

Mr Park

We will pay you any price you want

Ok now the talk had come to money

And right now Y/n was in desperate need of money


Ok but we need to meet before finalizing this deal I have

A condition.

Mr Park

Ok pls meet me tomorrow at

'xxxxxx restaurant' at sharp 10:00 am


I am a woman of my time you don't have to worry about


With that statement she ended the call

Ridhima POV

Y/n put the phone on speaker as she spoke to the person on the other side. A CONTRACT MARRIAGE!!! And she said YES. I looked at Y/n in a confused manner and stated "I cannot believe you said yes, I mean like what if he turns out to be an old ass man" she replied "Ridhima calm down do you think I am going to agree to this without meeting him privately" I spat with an unbelievable tone "And you are going to leave me alone" She smirked & said "That is what the condition is all about, you come with me and live in the mansion. I might be Shy and what all but I sure am clever" I smiled and said "Ok fine, fine you win" Yay is all she said before hugging me "I can't breathe Y/n" she laughed and said sorry. After this we walked to her room watched a few more episodes of the K-drama and slept.

Meanwhile Jays POV

"I have called 20 babysitters already grandfather, and nobody is agreeing" I stated with tiredness written all over my face "Son, try a few more after that you are dismissed" he stated worriedly looking at my state "Ok fine" then I dialed a number which stated Ms Y/n I had a long conversation with her and surprisingly she agreed "grandfather somebody has finally agreed" I said in one breath "Ok, I will inform this to Sunghoon" he said with a smile on his face.

Sunghoon POV

I was calmly working in my office when my grandfather arrived and said "we have found someone son get ready to meet her, because you will be needing at least a full empty schedule" I replied coldly "Sure...I will meet her on a Saturday" my grandfather smiled proudly and said "Thank you for agreeing son you sure love Aria a lot" he said looking at the cutely sleeping aria on the couch. "I guess so" I muttered under my breath looking at my little angel sleep.

How will the meeting go ??

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