Unusual (Cuti x Sonny)

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I think we all know that tables are about to turn today, about the top and bottom thing. Don't come at me whining- "NoOO wE wAnt tOp RoMeRoO" Just, no. Cuti deserves some love like babe he's such a cutiepie, wtf? DID YOU LOOK AT HIS EYES WTF? i like him as a cutie patootie. So, Son will be on the uppercase here and Cuti lowercase. Leave whenever you think you'll whine about it. Til then, enjoy :)


Son looked forward to being introduced with the new guy signing for Tottenham who'd eventually be around them aroun early of August, like their coach had said.

Well, Son is not one to be too excited about anything and so this isn't anything that'll make him do something that he's never done: get excited. He's always learned to sort of suppress his inner child back to everyone and not only public: just the way his father had tought him when he was young in training with his father back in Korea.

It didn't come to much of his care until the day came by. The new player would start training with his new team-mates in Tottenham from now onwards.

But as the team waited in the field, there seemed to be no sign of the new guy. Harry guarded at the gate with his eyes, a small smile of excitement making him seem like a child with his glistening pair of eyes to match. Son chuckled as Harry whined.

And indeed there was alot to whine about. Although the season is at the rear end of summer, it's always cold and today is no different. It's below 17°C, which is cold enough to make Kane rub his slender fingers against each other for warmth as he blows hot air onto his hand.

Son tapped his feet and at some point began to grow a tad bit annoyed. It's honestly getting too cold for him to tolerate- it'd be great to start practice now, he thought- or else he just might as well freeze in the cold and gloomy weather.

None of the players playing for Tottenham, specially international players like Son, never expected the sun to ever really show it's face or maybe shine some light and have some mercy on the country of London, or at least the city of Tottenham.

Son's face slouched to a slight frown. There was no sign of anyone new as they waited.

He sighed and turned back, but when he did he internally wished he would've not, because he was forced to stop dead in his tracks as a soft tone rang within the circle of the players.

Kane giggled and rushed in a for a handshake, soon being pulled into a sofr hug. Kane couldn't believe it but the intoxicating cocoa scent from the guy nearly put him to sleep in a way. It's just as much soothing as his eyes look: calm and tranquil like the blue and clear oceans, clear ahead of the horizon.

And it took Son's breathe away on turning. Not that he didn't dare to move, but his body was brought to a freeze. Kane rushed back to him with a huge smile, as the new guy looked into Son's eyes.

Son's cheeks heated automotically. Although it shouldn't have been like that, now it is. How his deep, calm and clear brown eyes are looking through hus soul- for God's sake, he doesn't even know the latter's name yet.


They started training not too long after Christian was shown around the grounds. Well, he's not yet accustomed to such of a huge premises- well it's just the same size that of Atalanta's but with such a gloomy weather and warm colors that he has to grow used to from now on- it won't be as easy for the man.

He's not yet found a great friend in anyone than Son. He's fond of the Korean who is a tad bit older than him.

Although Son is friendly, it doesn't seem too easy to get him to smile or maybe even laugh. It's probably because I'm new, and because he's not too familiar with me yet.. thought Christian. But little did he know, that's actually just the way Son is used to being.

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