Will-bounded pt.2

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Neither of them knew how much of a big turn things would take after that. Maybe now they do, since they're living through the happiest time of their lives now, treating themselves to a holiday in the tropics of Miami.

If it couldn't have gotten more lavish- Cristiano had booked a yacht for a day. Lord knows how much it cost, but it probably didn't affect his bank account by a bit. He wanted to see Leo smile- wanted to see the sparkle of glee in his chocolate brown eyes that forced him to fall harder for the Argentine.

But there would be a replica of him. Replica as in their son, Thiago, 4 years of age.

Messi couldn't see Cristiano a broken man, always returning home from work with a straight face and emotionless eyes. He'd find a way to melt hus significant other's heart- soon discovering how Cristiano always wanted to have a child with Messi but that, ofcourse, fell out of his bucket list after the incident that got them messed up.

So Messi didn't wait for time to make it's turn. He decided to legally adopt Thiago at the age of 3, and surprise the man on their 1 year anniversary of marriage.

Cristiano couldn't be any happier. Not that he'd stopped loving Messi down the middle- that's the last thing he'd want to see himself doing. He'd be a fool to do so.

His heart had just grown too weak to take another heartbreak. But Messi fixed that. Cristiano couldn't have wished for more, since that day onwards.

Their relation took a great turn. Messi grew closer, and much more fond to the presence of the man. It began to grow on him, and his heart- and before he knew it, he fell harder than he did in sixth grade for a girl. Harder not because he's handsome and crazy rich- harder because he's a man with a kind and pure heart.

And Messi's sure to know why. Purest of hearts are always the ones that have gone through the most; have endured the most. Kindest of hearts are also the one that have tolerated all kinds of shit that we couldn't have gotten away with. Cristiano's soft, brown eyes staring into the horizon resembled him perfectly.

His slightly possessive, yet Godly personality. The maturity was always visible in Cristiano's voice. But the softness was still there, to let Messi know that Cristiano will always be by his side, no matter what.

That warmed his heart. Messi couldn't at all deny the over-whelming feeling that was starting to take over his heart and pollute his mind with the thoughts of the Portuguese. He couldn't believe how he hadn't fell earlier.

His sun kissed skin shone perfectly under the sun, as he stood infront of the bars of the sides that the yacht has, guarding Thiago as he runs behind Messi who's holding his candy in his hands.

Maybe he's a little too concerned about Thiago's teeth. Or it's just the affect of parenting for the first time ever- and he's just over doing it a bit. But Cristiano finds it cute. Ofcourse there is a limit, but Messi is far from that. Cristiano enjoys seeing his husband and son bicker along the edge of the pool about the candy.

Messi's eyes slightly squint as the sun's rays seem to cause a slight change of hue on his torso, leaving freckles of red on his milky white skin. His short brown hair is pushed back and forth by the oceanic winds of the ocean waters.

Cristiano sighs as they continue bickering- with Messi speaking in rushed Spanish and Thiago repeating a few words several times before starting to babble and use questionable body motions to show his anger and attitude towards Messi through it.

- "Just give him the candy, Leo.."

- "But he's gonna get cavities-"

Cristiano squats down and calls Thiago over, as the four year old whines out his father's name in a desperate tone before rushing and falling into his father's arms, before being raised off the ground and shown the clear blue waters. He giggles at the sight, his mind immediately diverted from the situation. Cristiano had been waiting for the toddler to get his mind off, before turning to Messi.

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