"Come on, let's go downstairs and hang out with your friends" Camila said, Lauren sighed

"They're your friends, they want to spend time with you, not me" Lauren said, camila frowns

"No, they want to spend time with you too lauren" Camila said

"No Camila, they invited you to a party to hang out with you" Lauren said, camila sighed

"I want to spend time with you as well" Camila said laying down and resting her head on Lauren's chest

"So, come downstairs, they'll become your friends if you hang out with them more, Normani has already texted me a few times about you, asking how you were doing" Camila said, Lauren looks down at the girl laying on her chest.

"Really?" Lauren asked shocked

"Yeh, and ally has asked if you wanted to join us over her house to bake some cookies and stuff" Lauren smiles.

"They like you Lauren, especially Dinah and she's my best friend" Camila said

"What do you mean especially dinah?" Lauren asked with a confused frown

"Well, there were some people gossiping about you and Dinah stuck up for you, she never really does that for people she doesn't care about, she usually joins in and comes back with the gossip" Camila said, Lauren nods.

"But, my friends like you, so come downstairs and become their friend and then you can introduce me to your friends some time" Camila said, Lauren sighed.

"You met my friend, Danny's dead remember, he was my only friend before I was homeless then I met Jack" Lauren said, camila nods softly.

"Then we can hang out with Jack, maybe next week" Camila said, Lauren looks at her

"You want to hang out with 2 homeless people?" Lauren asked

"He's your friend Lauren, I want to hang out with you and your friend" Camila said, Lauren sighed

"Sure, we'd have to find him though, going through homeless camps, with junkies around" Lauren said, camila nods.

"Okay" Camila said, Lauren smiles lightly

She didn't care, it doesn't gross her out, she actually wants to get to know Jack and me, she cares.

"You okay?" Camila asked seeing Lauren's eyes glossed over with tears

"Yeh I'm fine" Lauren shrugs wiping her eyes

"Why are you crying? Did I upset you? I'm sorry-" Lauren cuts Camila off

"No, I just realised...you actually care" Lauren said whispering the last part

"Of course I care Lauren, why wouldn't I?" Camila asked

"Well, we were ever really friends" Lauren said, camila sighed and Laid next to Lauren, Lauren turns on her side.

"Well, we are now" Camila said, Lauren nods

"People usually don't want to be my friend now that I'm homeless, they don't care enough to meet Jack, they never want to be around the homeless camps, they get grossed out by it. You didn't, you didn't care you just smiled when I said we could hang out with him, you actually want to meet him" Lauren said, camila smiles and leans over resting her head in the crook of Lauren's neck, she wraps her arms around the green eyed girl and Lauren wraps her arms tightly around Camila pulling her closer.

"Of course I want to hang out with your friend Lauren" Camila mumbled

"Hey are you coming down anytime soon?" They hear, they pull apart and see Dinah

"Yeh, we'll come down now" Camila said, she looks at Lauren who nods and smiles

They get up going downstairs and hang out with the girls, they watch a few movies and Sinu orders them some pizza, at some point Camila and Lauren laid down and cuddled, Lauren being the little spoon the girls did look at them a little funny but just went back to watch the movie.

"We should get going it's getting late" ally said, camila nods with her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"Okay, thanks for coming over" Camila smiles at them

"Of course, oh and Lauren, are you going to be coming over tomorrow to bake?" Ally asked, camila smiles.

"Told you" Camila whispers to the older girl

"Yeh, thank you ally" Lauren said, ally smiles

"No problem, I'll see you two tomorrow" ally said, they all said goodbye and left, Lauren turns over so she's facing Camila.

"They really like you maybe even more than they like me" Camila said, Lauren chuckles and cuddles her chest.

"Thank you" Lauren said, camila gets confused and rests her head on Lauren's

"For what?" Camila asked, camila hears Lauren take a deep breath, it was like she was going to the depths of her soul to say it.

"For helping me" Lauren whispers, it was so quiet that Camila almost missed it but she didnt and it shocked her.

"Of course, Lauren, whatever you need and however you need it I'm here for you" Camila said pulling Lauren closer.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Camila asked for a while, Lauren nods

So they got up said Goodnight to Camilas family and got ready for bed.

As soon as Lauren was in bed she was cuddling Camila again, Camila smiles wide wrapping her arms around her and kisses her head.

"Night Camz" Lauren said

"Night Lolo" Camila mumbled into her head

"Night Danny" Lauren whispers

Camila has gotten used to Lauren saying that every night now, she finds it sweet and adorable how Lauren still says Goodnight to her best friend.

Sorry for any mistakes I don't proof read because I'm lazy, I hope you enjoyed.



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